Getting rid of SCRATCH MARKS on a car.

greatdeals999, Aug 7, 5:58pm
Noticed warehouse has a product advertised on TV - My car would look much better without the scratch marks near the door handle!
Anyone tried Any - "GET RID OF SCRATCH MARK" - product. . Your experiences & results please & was it worth it?

kazbanz, Aug 7, 5:59pm
greatdeals- short version for you
It doesn't work.
Scratches either are shallow enough so a cut and polish will fix it. So you buy a cutting/polishing compound and rub away at the scratches with a cloth.
or are so deep that a repaint is needed.
No "fix in a pen" will sort scratches for you

greatdeals999, Aug 7, 6:38pm
Thanks kazbanz -
I think the scratches are shallow - no deep indentations - & their position suggests they may have been made by rings ? fingernails ? .
- there are LOTS off them!

kazbanz, Aug 7, 9:22pm
What you describe is situation normal. scratch marks in under the door handle are fairly common. MOST of the time if you put in a few minutes with a polishing cloth it will fix it

trade4us2, Aug 7, 9:23pm
There were lots of little chips in the paint of my car around the lock.
Then I discovered that my wife used to slam the door with the keys in the lock. The house key matched the chips.

tamarillo, Aug 7, 9:25pm
Kaz is right. I had a little luck with a cutting product that was colour specific and it did seem to work a bit better than plain cut, but not much in it. That was silver, on a dark car I'd guess it wouldn't help if it's gone through paint.
Light scratches where it's still same colour can be cut out with care. Elbow work not magic.

tamarillo, Aug 7, 9:26pm
She USED TO? What did you do with her?

greatdeals999, Aug 7, 9:42pm
- my car has - "mass scratch marks" - under ALL 4 door handles . A family of ? females ?

grangies, Aug 7, 9:53pm
greatdeals999 . If you take your car to a professional car valet, you'll be surprised how quickly and cheaply they can remove the scratches.

tinkey, Aug 8, 12:31am
Get some Ultimate Compound by Meguiars. That's pretty good stuff and is as close as you can get to a full cutting compound. If that doesn't get it out it's probably too deep.

greatdeals999, Aug 8, 12:41am
Thanks grangies & tinkey - The thought was that by the time you pay for products - (and you only need a small portion of the container) Your suggestion of a car valet was great. Spoke to Mr Greatdeals - he's NOT jumping up and down keenly about the valet . Shall look into - Ultimate Compound by Meguiars - Who sells it BTW?

trade4us2, Aug 8, 1:47am
I asked her to remove the keys before slamming the door.
I was unable to stop her gauging the paint from around the handle of the fridge with her fingernails.

tinkey, Aug 8, 3:47am
Ultimate compound sold by any of the usual suspects- Repco, Supercheap, etc

greatdeals999, Aug 8, 5:54am
Thanks grangies - the type of scratches described in the "ad" - sound similar / depth ect - to the scratches I'm viewing on my car.

marte, Aug 8, 8:40am
if you have small dint pops on your car.
Its possibly stones on the road pinging out from the side of car tyres.
like a orange pip squashed between your fingers.
if its on the left hand side, they fire across the road and under the car, they hit the kerb and bounce up at the car at a 45 deg angle.

I saw it happen once and then knew exactly whats happening.

kazbanz, Aug 8, 3:23pm
greatdeals.--just thinking a bit about this a bit more. I would actually suggest calling into a local car painter.Offer a slab of beers if someone can buff out the scratchmarks for you. They have all the proper cutters and polishes and will get a really nice job.A slab will be cheaper than a bottle of cutters.

stevo2, Aug 8, 3:41pm
Great idea. Just make sure its a small owner operator, not a big flash place with office lady on reception

kazbanz, Oct 22, 7:18pm
Hi greatdeals I do apologise. I have made a mistake.
The product you are talking about looks like EXACTLY what you need/want. I haven't actually used it but its clear that its a mild cutting/polishing compound in a toothpaste sized small tube.Heck even comes with a cloth to rub it in--- Mantis-Scratch-Remover-150ml
I THOUGHT you were referring to that snakeoil product in a "pen" You literally draw onto the scratches and "fixes them" -it never worked.