Stolen float -Hamilton

ginnys5, Jan 23, 5:00am
STOLEN last night from Rototuna. Distinguishable home built float.Big double float. Blue with white top.Ramp is wooden and relatively new.Please share around.Would like this back! Plate 94EIC

bjmh, Jan 23, 10:23am
keep an eye out for you. Te Kuiti.

grangies, Jan 23, 12:25pm
Sorry for you loss, I HATE theives.

But there'll be some smug mongrels come on here saying it's your fault it can't be found because it should have had a GPS tracker.

ema1, Jan 23, 12:29pm
Strewth there's some scumbags around isn't there, hope they get caught and you get permission to give them a right good thrashing.

ginnys5, Jul 26, 7:11am
Thanks guys! Mongrels alright!