Car ownership not transferred

vomo2, Sep 13, 5:04pm
I went to reregister my car only to find the previous owner has not changed the ownership over to me. The difficulty is the owner has gone overseas with no forwarding address.
The car was bought on TradeMe but I cant find the sale on my Trademe. Any advice welcomed as to what do I need to do now.

franc123, Sep 13, 5:08pm
That's actually the buyers responsibility to initiate registered ownership changes, and has been for many years. Best you go do it.

tony9, Sep 13, 5:10pm
Yes, the previous owner does not need to be involved, you are looking to transfer the license over to you, ownership was transferred when you paid the money and took the car.

mugenb20b, Sep 13, 6:09pm
Do it on line, go to the NZTA site and change the vehicle ownership into your name (under the 'I've bought a vehicle' or whatever). It costs about $10, you can pay by credit card. Takes about 5 minutes, have your driver's licence handy too.

kazbanz, Sep 13, 6:27pm
You're the buyer. You are responsible to do c of O.--go do it and be happiness filled.

taion, Sep 13, 7:11pm
lol or dont worry about it ?
if you get speed camera fines it wont be coming to you :)

ps:i am joking

vomo2, Sep 13, 10:41pm
All good all sorted thanks

lookoutas, Sep 14, 2:31am
Here ya go.

Oops - too late. But copy that to ya Desktop so it can be used again & again & again.

matarautrader, Jun 27, 9:27pm
Just brought a hotrod I sold in 1995 back. Has been though at least two owners and now deregistered but last rego was in my name!