What would u fit an mannal weber or auto

vhpacer1971, Mar 8, 6:36am
hi im fitting an new weber 34/36 cab to pinto motor . just wondering whats best an mannal choke one or the normal water choke weber cortina mk5 thanks

intrade, Mar 8, 2:01pm
depends on your preference . I would say manual choke because in 50 years time you can still fix it with a wire to operate the manual joke and you be the hero greate grand wizard with 120 years of age ,
automatic choke means you cant fix it without parts.
Provided you have the manual knob in the car or you get it to fit with the carb.
Anything that brakes and cant be fixed with looking and tinkering is a bad idea in my opinion.

intrade, Mar 8, 2:05pm
automatic choke i did fix a nissan carb with some wire to keep the choke permanent open, its a bit of a issue in winter for the women who owns it as she has to idle it untill it warms up before she can drive off . She drives it since 4 years with that fix, but its only the fix because they had no money and there was no secoundhand part available at the time cheap and fast.
So you can fix it but i would not call it a fix my self more of a hack so the car is drivable not a desired thing on a oldtimer.

bjmh, Mar 8, 2:14pm
the Spanish version. "man ual " would work fine.

tmenz, Mar 8, 4:02pm
Or even Manuel.

mrcat1, Mar 8, 4:56pm
Years ago I had a 4.1 XD Fairmont that I had spent a small fortune on the engine and I fitted a set of triple downdraught twin throat webbers on it, but they didn't have a choke butterfly in the venturi's, it was another unit on the back of the carbs, I never hooked up a choke, only used to give the pedal 6 pumps and then hit the starter, if it was really cold between the fairly wild cam and the lack of choke it was quite interesting to start, but used to start and run ok once I got the sequence sorted to start it.

serf407, Mar 8, 5:22pm
Leave the weber off and find a R1 set up.

dave653, Mar 8, 5:29pm
Manual. I have one on my triple SUs, and can push it in once moving. The wifes VN still stinks after a few kays. How many cars smell bad when they pull out in front of you in the morning?

gsimpson, Mar 8, 6:16pm
I have never had trouble with auto chokes. Make sure your cooling system is clean and adjust it correctly. Have seen a lot get stuffed by neglect of the cooling system and the muck blocks them up. Poor maintenance is the issue there rather than a fault with the chokes.

thunderbolt, May 9, 1:41am
Manual choke, then you won't have to get a second mortgage to buy a thermostat to make the auto choke work correctly.