Cheapest place to ship a car from North to South?

jou500, Apr 13, 2:27am

Does anyone know the cheapest way to ship a car from Hamilton to the South Island?

survivalkiwi, Apr 13, 2:53am
Drive it down and find a rentle car that needs to be returned.

jou500, Apr 13, 3:05am
but in terms of a shipping company? What is the cheapest.

pf, Apr 13, 4:17am
if it's driveable try Car Distribution Group . not driveable double the price .

les6, Apr 13, 4:53am
cheapest does not mean best?

kazbanz, Apr 13, 5:01am
Honestly--the cheapest way is to drive it and catch a cheapy plane flight back

chevcamaro, Apr 13, 5:15am
try captain transporter

morrisman1, Mar 15, 9:57am
If you have the time available then definetely drive down. Could do that over two days, first day drive to wellington then jump on the ferry, stay in picton then next day drive to where-ever and fly come. Ive brought two cars home from upper north island, first was from auckland and total cost was about $700 including flights up & ferry. Next time was a little more due to boost ha, and that was from kerikeri so added a bit more to flights and petrol. Two full days covers it.

Towed the race car to auckland and back not long ago and that was two days each way. That was a bit over $1600 return I think, including ferry.

Ive priced up transport before but it doesn't even come close to competing, so if you're up for a drive and have a couple days spare then go for it.