Here's a great saloon car race!

budgel, Feb 19, 2:44pm

stevo2, Feb 19, 3:21pm
Loved every minute of it, Great A40. Thanks for sharing

tamarillo, Feb 19, 3:40pm
Thanks for post.
That was just wonderful, cars sliding so you can sense what's happening, and people racing for fun. How did a twin 700cc bmw keep up?
Nice seeing row an Atkinson having a go, pity it's not a mini.

saxman99, Feb 19, 4:39pm
Awesome. Love the little Bimmer, here's the Munich museum version for hose who are interested:

budgel, Feb 20, 12:11am
It must be one of the few bimmers made without some sort of split grille. It certainlt went well in that race.

I am old enough to remember allcomers saloon car racing at Pukekohe, lots of variety in a field is great for spectators, but most circuits with a longish straight will see horsepower win.

jrlaw, Feb 21, 2:23am
Brings back of Kerry Grant at Levin in his first A 40. Amazing wee cars for sure.

nzjay, Jun 5, 2:44pm
So much great racing at Levin, from some quite unlikely car's too.
It's great to see a handful of the little Honda S600 and S800's being restored now, and who could ever forget the Minis against the V8s. I sincerely hope the current fad of one chassis/engine dies and we get back to allowing the ingenuity and expertise of drivers/engineers back to the fore by allowing basically 'anything goes'.
Good to see OSCA surviving down south.