It was poster 1 that was expecting the waves not me. All the best with your one armed riding but hope you don't expect sympathy if you come off.
Jan 5, 12:54am
Do you mean to tell me that if you dont wave while riding you can not ride a bike? You have an odd idea of what safe riding is all about and its not waving.
Jan 5, 12:59am
Sorry, I find it annoying waving at all and sundry. I used to do it religiously, now I will wave if waved at or nod if nodded at, but I no longer initiate it.
Jan 5, 1:14am
Mustang to Mustang owners always wave - and that usually includes other classic muscle cars. There's the odd 'other' that doesn't, but that's their problem.
Truckie's usually give a wink of the blinker at night. I will always give them a blink if they've just helped me past.
Jan 5, 1:38am
Yup. Can now ;)
Jan 5, 1:39am
Considering many of our bikes are worth over 20k why should we not be able to stay 100% focussed on riding? If you want to make friends of other bike riders its much safer to have a chat at the next café/bar they may stop at.
Jan 5, 1:41am
Goes back to "You have never actually ridden a motorcycle have you". Or, can't actually ride a motorcycle.
Jan 5, 1:43am
or picking your nose driving a car let alone how do you change gears without taking your hands of the steering wheel lmao
Jan 5, 1:44am
first step to a good racer
Jan 5, 1:50am
Hey, you are actually talking to a two time Ohakea Mopedathon Champion. So I have been known to be pretty handy on a 50 (Honda NS-1). RG50's. Pffft. Many laps behind.
Jan 5, 1:56am
Anyone who comes off, as a result of taking one hand off the bars, shouldn't be riding anyway! If you feel you can't take one of your hands off the bars, pop a wheelie in response; it's much safer.
Jan 5, 2:26am
see you this weekend at tamanui
Jan 5, 2:30am
Actually, sorry you won't, but thanks for the invite ;) Will get the NS-1 to full F5 Speck some time in the future, but not just yet. Waiting for Nationals to be over before I can pick up some "new" tyres. The Alpha 12 on the back is getting a little plastic.
or the throttle is on the the right hand side and you just dont notice the left handed wave.
Jan 13, 11:16pm
lol - that was the first thing i thought of when i read that guys replys
epic thing aye - its not like the roads he travelled on were smooth & banked either!
Jan 15, 11:58am
I only return a wave to break the monotony of road riding, Jeez, its boring,,, only a way to get between interesting tracks/backroads.
Jan 15, 2:35pm
Where's the OMG emoticon - you're on here too!
Jan 15, 2:35pm
You ride a wheelbarrow?
Jan 15, 11:40pm
Has anyone else seen the one armed dude who races a motard? Ive seen him several times at the wyndham street races during the Burt Munro weekend. He is always mid pack or higher up the field. Geez, the two armed ones are insane enough let alone one arm doin that. Mind you, if he did wave he may come to grief. He must have an extra dampener or somethin.
Jan 15, 11:54pm
I am not happy, drove by another Bugatti Veyron owner the other day and he did not wave.He must be up himself or something, Its a lonely old world out there.
Aug 5, 5:43am
Six out of seven dwarfs are "not happy" either.
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