Tv 1 news thread some is car stuff maunukau

intrade, Jun 12, 3:24pm
just having tv news on 90 cars stole in the last month police guy on tv the first time i see them try and do some real police work. its at least something . 15 secound or so he was on. Media could definetly do more also to cover these things better.

tamarillo, Jun 12, 3:27pm
There's an epidemic here in nelson, they caught two young chaps they thought responsible who said they just cruise around trying doors, if they're open they nick contents, if keys are in they go for joy ride. Wonder if owners told insurers they left keys in!
Seems others have steeped up and thefts continue at same rate even with the chief culprits caught. Maybe because police advertised the facts!

intrade, Jun 12, 3:33pm
new sting operation they got 120 staff out there last 3 month 900 cars stolen they should have tv adds for that sort of stuff.
just typed what the 15 secounds of the police said as i did hear it 8.32 aM ON TV 1

intrade, Jun 12, 3:37pm
another one was the haka in europe you see the medium barrier that women smashed in to and killed her self and the husband .
After hitting the barrier the car was back on the highway and got hit by a Bus. now this as sad as it is you dont see the french cry out we must have forigners take a drive test so they dont kill them self and others on our roads. now do you?

intrade, Jun 12, 3:41pm
another non car one arm wressling the guys arm snapped in half you could hear it, the first thing i was thinking the guy might have bone cancer. lets hope i am wrong . but they should definetly find out soonest why his arm snapped like a dry twig

sr2, Jun 12, 4:55pm
Go intrade mate, you're on a roll. !

saxman99, Jun 12, 4:56pm
Because he was arm-wrestling with a bloke who is built like a fridge with arms!

skull, Jun 12, 4:59pm
Lol, the car repair business must have hit a slow patch. Dunno how you can run a business with one eye on breakfast TV and the other one on the TM boards.

serf407, Jun 12, 8:01pm
He probably has dress code for the garage - no customers in onesies dropping off cars early.

franc123, Jun 23, 2:16pm
Those of us that are actually professional vehicle repairers do wonder that lol.