Car for sale on T.M

bjmh, Oct 9, 4:58pm
Can you change a car for sale on T.M to an auction ?

tamarillo, Oct 9, 5:15pm
Depends . If your in Auckland and it's a good seller by all means.
If you're in small town with something for smaller market, classi works well as you can rely on buyer being there in next 7-10 days.
Or if it's simply get the thing outta here $1 reserve.

jmma, Oct 9, 6:59pm
No you can't change a classified, unless it has only just been listed and you talk to trademe, if it has been running for more than an hour no chance.

jmma, Oct 9, 7:00pm
? (o:

quickbuck, Oct 9, 7:05pm
Guess it has been running for at least 2.

Or, 3 weeks.

bjmh, Oct 9, 7:48pm
ok it was just a thought,yer its been a couple of weeks

kazbanz, Oct 10, 10:25pm
No you can't. You need to start an auction afresh

tony9, Oct 10, 10:41pm
Realistically, drop the price to where people are actually paying. Which will be somewhat lower than the average listing price.

tamarillo, Oct 10, 10:52pm
Might have misunderstood question.

tigertim20, Oct 10, 11:34pm
yes you can.

i have done it twice. even with a vehicle that had been listed as a classified for over a month.

contact trademe and they can assist.

tigra, Feb 19, 3:26am
Yes. ,Usually you have to pay the new fee and get a refund on the old fee which TM seems happy to do.