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wineo, Nov 27, 11:47pm
Can any one advise/assist is there comeback with this problem from the Dealer
I bought a 2006 B Class Mercedez earlier this year from an Auckland Importer/Dealer, I have only done 1800 kms in the time I have owned it, it had a steering problem so today I took it to a Mercedez Dealer who scanned it and advises I needed to replace the steering rack at a cost of $2800.00 and that it was not safe to drive. help please, no I am not Blonde but I do feel ripped off/let down

clark20, Nov 27, 11:51pm
Go back to the dealer and discuss it with them, they should look after that

tony9, Nov 27, 11:52pm
What does the Dealer you bought it from say? That should be your first point of contact.

Did you select the vehicle before it came into NZ?

wineo, Nov 28, 12:00am
I have gone back to the dealer, he asked me to scan him the report which I did, he said he would treat it as urgent I checked to see if he had received and at 1.30 he said yes just received, at 5.00pm I tried phoning no reply

I purchased the car in NZ at the Dealership, how long shall I wait to hear from him, I can't drive my car it is un safe and I am without Transport

mongolia1, Nov 28, 12:12am
Did your independent pre-purchase inspection identify an issue with the steering?

jmma, Nov 28, 12:23am
That's stretching the point a bit far, OP says earlier this year.

bwg11, Nov 28, 12:29am
Sorry OP, but somebody has to say it. I do hope the dealer will come to the party, but realistically, you buy a 9 year old Euro, pay probably 20% of the new price, how many cost free years do you expect from it?

skull, Nov 28, 12:42am
More than 1800 km in my book

wineo, Nov 28, 12:55am
Thanks, skull,
I did expect to get more than 1800 kms of driving before having to pay nearly $3000.00 for a steering problem that now makes it un safe to drive, the car had only done 65.000 kms

kecal, Nov 28, 12:57am
how long ago did you buy the car ? as in actuall months1 2,3 4,5, 6 7 8,9,10,11,12?

tgray, Nov 28, 1:08am
Ok, you have touched base with him today and he says he will treat it as urgent. (that's good!)
You phoned him on a Friday afternoon at 5pm and got no reply (not unusual).
Expect a call on Monday. No need to panic yet.

wineo, Nov 28, 1:10am
I bought the car on April 8th

wineo, Nov 28, 1:11am
Thanks tgray, I just need reassurance

kazbanz, Nov 28, 1:57am
Ok Wineo first of all I'd suggest at this time you don't for a moment feel yourself as being ripped off.
You have owned the car for 7 months and during that time clearly it gave NO indications of steering issues.
Equally you have driven the car for 1799 km with apparently no issues.
On THAT basis how could the dealer reasonably know for an instant that your car would develop a fault sometime in the future ? Realistically he had no more way of knowing than you did.
The comment re PP inspection is actually VERY valid because a GOOD and comprehensive PP inspection by a euro specific inspector would have shown up the steering issue-IF it was a pre existing condition.
Equally its common knowledge that older euro's start costing a fair bit for repairs. Which is why I ALWAYS recommend a benz buyer takes a MBI (warranty) -I actually refuse to sell ANY euro vehicles without a MBI
ALL that said. Theres every indication the dealer is onto it.
So to recap--NO need to feel ripped off-car sold in good faith and dealer seems to be doing his bit

skiff1, Nov 28, 2:03am
Kaz, with the CGA in mind, could a dealer buy the warranty themselves and build it into the price of the car?

cheapy11, Nov 28, 12:42pm
Yes some dealers do exactly that.
Although most that do it will use it as a selling point "free 12 month mechanical warranty" etc

kazbanz, Nov 28, 1:04pm
YEP they sure can/do. Normal conversation is.-"ohh I don't want a warranty" reply Then Im sorry I won't sell you the car."

rpvr, Nov 28, 1:07pm
I have often wondered about that. What if a dealer does that because they know/suspect there is a problem coming up soon with a particular car? A bit like taking health insurance without declaring a pre-existing condition.

kazbanz, Nov 28, 1:23pm
Nope sorry dude-think of it more as. Send patient for FULL medical check up that comes back clean. But the family is predisposed to expensive health issues so take out health insurance.

THAT SAID yep there are lowlives that do as you suggest.

anenigma, Nov 28, 3:56pm
love your train of thought

intrade, Nov 28, 4:05pm
re 1 so the dealer showd you on a hoist how and why the steering rack was foobar?
or did they just pull a code and tell you that code tells them its foobar?
explain exactly in all details what went down?

intrade, Nov 28, 4:10pm
with modern vehicles you need aa+ membership even i have that membership now owning a modern vw as when a vital component fails its over you dont crawl under the car and fix it with a number 8 wire like 30 years ago. AA plus gives you a rental i think never needed it , but almost did with my 95 corolla , when it started shifting to first gear from huntly to whangarei , but i made it home only lost the gears for good in warkworth because i had to stop at the lights from there i drove in first gear home like a tractor .

kazbanz, Nov 28, 4:49pm
Thank you intrade. We had to agree on something sometime. :-)
I agree with your thinking

anenigma, Nov 28, 6:23pm
Its easy for dealership to say it has a faultcode and needs replacing

It could actually be something as simply as a faulty sensor - find a REALLY good independent and have them take a look at it first

wineo, Aug 24, 9:11pm
Thanks anenigma, Dealer has been in touch to day and I am taking into their mechanic/workshop on Tuesday