Can you identify this car

woki, Sep 22, 4:18am

woki, Sep 22, 4:28am
I don't know what it is ?

tamarillo, Sep 22, 4:39am
Blimey, radiator does look Buick and the two peice screen could be a coach built thing.
If you don't get confirmation try vcc.

woki, Sep 22, 4:40am
Does looks English to me . Austin or maybe Vauxhall ?

snoopy221, Sep 22, 4:42am
Looks a tad like an old rugby.

nzjay, Sep 22, 5:04am
I think Hudson had a split vee'd windscreen on one model but also think it was 'special bodied', not the normal factory model.

fordcrzy, Sep 22, 5:54am
run its plate on carjam

marte, Sep 22, 6:47am
Does carjam go back that far? I hope it does, I have a few old plates and a old car.

oakie, Sep 22, 2:34pm

tmenz, Sep 22, 3:11pm
Looks to me like an old Dodge.

upnorth, Sep 22, 3:12pm
It is a Humber mid 20's on with front wheel brakes.

Possibly a 14/40 or 15/40

dublo, Sep 22, 3:28pm
11 replies, few of which are of any use to the enquirer. Thanks to upnorth, who obviously knows his 1920s Humbers!

jmma, Sep 22, 3:55pm
Yours makes it 12 :oP

tamarillo, Sep 22, 5:26pm
And your problem is what? We are trying to help.

tamarillo, Sep 22, 5:33pm
Get your point with the dual windscreen, but to my eyes the proportions just ain't right for Humber. Humber bonnet and radiator smaller, lights lower, windscreen taller. But, with so much being coach built in 20's it certainly could be as radiator shape looks right!,4_HP_Saloon_1924.jpg

woody2377, Sep 24, 4:09am
Think its a bitsa-with a round bumper bar come head light carrier up that high

beetle1234, May 12, 1:03pm
Grandads !