2005 Honda Fit auto

poohbear100, Jul 27, 11:26am
When cold auto is a pain in the a$$! If you try to take off at anything other then snail pace it clunks like its jump out of gear and just sits there until you hit throttle again.
When its warm its as good as wood, auto rebuilt at 114,000 and its now at 141,000. Vehicle is always servived every 10,000ks.

Any ideas apart from waiting for it to warm up?

andy61, Jul 27, 11:35am
Have the auto transmission fluid(CVT) flushed and refilled, however it may not solve the problem.How long was the warranty for the transmission?

tamarillo, Jul 27, 11:39am
Take back to who rebuilt it. Hope is was a cvt specialist . These boxes are not good one.

the-lada-dude, Jul 27, 11:48am
Many car dealers are using XADO transmission revitalizant NOW !

tamarillo, Jul 27, 11:49am
If I has been properly rebuilt this surely shouldn't be needed? Wouldn't you want it fixed?

poohbear100, Jul 27, 12:24pm
Warranty was for a year and its been 2yrs since it was done.
Was done by Tirau Automatics by the last owner

ozz1, Jul 27, 1:03pm
yes that additive is very good.

kazbanz, Jul 27, 2:26pm
Doesn't sound like the "normal" tranz issue for fits. IMO its worth getting fluid level checked and making sure everything is still adjusted right,.

thejazzpianoma, Nov 11, 10:59am
Check and try the additive, but honestly they are a pretty rubbish car. Not well built like you would typically expect of Honda's and to be honest I am not entirely surprised you are having trouble again that quickly if you happen to do mostly city running. I remember a Taxi company overseas tried using them for City taxi's and they were only getting something crazy like 25'000km out of a transmission (don't quote me I read it a long while ago).
If you can get reasonable cash for it there are much better options to be had, although those options are probably not Japanese. Most of the small Jap import stuff like Tiida's etc in that age group are either short life, too thirsty or terrible in a crash.