Sleeping / being in car drunk - illegal ?

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kazbanz, Nov 3, 8:32am
It comes down to your ability to pass the "attitude test".

gsimpson, Nov 3, 10:15am
I can see a car getting instructions. The person falling asleep and waking in the right street but wrong city.

elect70, Nov 3, 10:20am
I think if he can see the keys then its attempting to drive . many years ago used to go to local pub 7 sleep in the car until next morning in the carpark .Always put the keys in the glove box & if cop came told him friend was going to bring the keys back in the morning . . No authority to search the car

socram, Nov 3, 10:23am
. which is why the British post code system works so well on Sat Navs. generally limited to a block of just six houses. BH10 6AB is a lot easier to type in than a Maori (or Welsh. ) street name.

rodeorunch, Nov 3, 1:11pm
Not sure but from what I understand you can be charged being drunk
On a horse.
Can anyone verify this.?

marte, Nov 3, 1:38pm
Somebody got convicted of being 'drunk in charge of a pram' in Chch once.
Its possible to be convicted of being 'drunk in charge of a mobility scooter'.

trogedon, Nov 3, 2:53pm
Read a book by the light or play with your phone.

strobo, Nov 4, 3:46am
tis true others I know had been charged .similar situ ,I had been tested on that similar but strangely passed ! cop kept tapping his breathalyzer like it was faulty and suggested I walk home lol Had key in ignition , shows intent . need to prove or convince otherwise I believe.

elect70, Nov 4, 8:17am
Yep local , farmer did that after being caught DIC

tuamanfan, Dec 7, 7:05pm
I was once charged with dangerous use of a vehicle for riding a bicycle with no hands on the handlebars.
Anyone from the Waikato will know Gary Major and his authoritarian approach to transport legislation