Greens say if they get a hint of power they will replace gas guzzling Police and AOS cars and vans etc. The new vehicles will be much better for the environment they say. Estimates put the savings to tax payers at around 7 million a year a Green spokesperson said today. The spokes person well must do our part to save the environment for our children and their children. Once initiated other government departments will be made to follow. Expect to see your MPs using the new eco vehicles soon. The Green party spokesperson thinks a complete change over should be competed by 2021. The Police will act as trial environment to work out any bugs. It was question why Police first as perhaps a lesser department should trial first, the spokesperson refused to comment.
Trials over seas have been reasonably successful it seems, hence the roll out.
Oct 7, 11:43am
Good on them all government agencies should have the economical cars. The Government has to lead the way for the people. A good Nissan leaf will cost a dollar a day to run. Cheap as.
Oct 7, 12:48pm
as long as you have a full tank of gas and can keep ahead of the cops in their Leaf for a few kms, you should be good as they run out of power.
Oct 7, 2:40pm
But they will also have a bicycle rack fitted to the Leaf. On that will be a fully charged and ready to go Electric Bike. The trick to catching the crooks will be in the changeover time from car to bike. I guess the training manual will be updated to cover this issue.
Oct 7, 2:46pm
Oct 7, 2:49pm
They're politicians, it is more than likely that they will buy the cops Teslas than leafs
Oct 7, 4:19pm
No hands on a segway. while holding a machine gun. brave.
Oct 8, 6:42am
the operator has wheels on his elbows, and butt, so it can be oprated in stealth mode, moving forward face down and retiring face up from the forward position whilst watching the enemy. a simple change to ballon tyres will give them unprecedented offroad capability as well
Oct 8, 7:49am
Should have been done years ago for financial as well as environmental reasons, but the Greens most definitely shouldn't be in charge of it.
Either someone has been incredibly lazy in their role of choosing our Police vehicles in past or I suspect more likely someone is getting some sort of back hander.
How else could you explain them insisting on some of the least practical and financially poor choices available? Mostly from the same provider too.
The last lot who turned down the more financially sound offerings from BMW for "public perception" reasons should have been fired on the spot in my opinion. You don't deliberately waste the publics money to give yourselves an easier run in the media etc. Part of your job is supposed to be to inform the public and justify your choices.
Oct 8, 8:09am
I wont mind my tax dollars going towards a massive fleet of these:
The children, think of the children, no one thinks of the children
Oct 8, 8:27am
The children driving it or the children making the purchasing decision?
Oct 8, 8:30am
You may be on to something, some of the cops I see appear to be 12, or im just old now lol.
Oct 8, 8:39am
The familys. they get to grow up in a safe and friendly environment because, the police have the RIGHT equipment to protect innocent people from the gangs that want to rule the country.
Oct 8, 8:47am
True, the trees, think of the trees, no one thinks of the trees.
Oct 8, 8:51am
Don't remind me! Nearly time to trim the beard for Christmas in case small children start pointinig me out as "Santa".
Oct 8, 8:53am
Might have trouble catching me on my motorbike though
Oct 8, 8:53am
Will you be thinking of the trees when a . busts down your door in the middle of the night to stand you over? I will be thinking about the cops arriving in that with a gatling gun in a roof turret. fuk the trees
Oct 8, 8:56am
You must be older than me. They look about 15 to me. I remember years ago, the idea circulating that if the police looked young, you knew that you were getting old.
Oct 8, 8:58am
why not bring back the treka with a battery/diesel wouldnt be to hard to make a suv for the kiwi market may even have export potential, if it dont rust
Oct 8, 8:59am
You cant see the retractable gatling gun. you *might* like to rethink running.
Not sure how the pit maneuver would go using those though, or the segway for that matter
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