Borrowed one from a guy at work.Just curious about the legality of it.
Sep 9, 1:47am
No dont think soBUT, useing any info you hear is.
Oh, and there kinda addictive, for a while, then you get sick of hearing QVRs QPsand really boring shit, but if you live in a city it may well be a bit more entertaining.
Sep 9, 1:50am
No law against it, but as police going digital by 2012, that will be it for them, but I, ve got fire, ambulance, transports etc scanning on mine
Sep 9, 1:51am
actually thought it WAS illegal to use one, period. You will hear information that is supposed to be private. Thats why they have started to bring in the encrypted system, so you will not be able to hear what is being said
Sep 9, 1:53am
The problem is the gangsta's hear that the police are coming and run away. Or warn there mates.
Sep 9, 1:57am
I live in a smallish town, but I'm getting a couple of other towns in the area to.
There is a knob beside the volume that doesn't seem to do anything.Anybody know what it might be!
Sep 9, 1:59am
Prob squelch control, it takes away some of the hissing at static crap, dont turn it to far or you will loose the talking.
Sep 9, 2:18am
not illegal to listen but is illegal to act on or discuss what you hear.
Sep 9, 2:44am
What's a 5K and a 1 Lima!Thanks.
Sep 9, 2:47am
Look up the codes on the net, or you will be here all might asking lol.
Sep 9, 2:48am
I'll have to turn it off soon for the rugby.
Sep 9, 3:17am
It's not illegal to listen, but it is illegal to share/act on anything you hear.
1 Lima is 1L. (Lima is L in the phonetic alphabet) I think 1L means learner license. Not to sure on that though.
Thanks, but now I've pushed a button and it's not working properly.I think it was monitoring two channels before but now it's locked on one and I don't know how to change it back.Before the screen said scanning, now it just has a number on it.I'm still getting some talk but not as much. :-(
Sep 9, 3:45am
You may have locked it on a channel.You can prob down load the instructions as well. STOP playing with it LOL
Sep 9, 3:49am
I can't stop playing with it. What if something massive happens and I miss it!! I MUST KEEP LISTENING!
Sep 9, 4:32am
Hang in there. Once Tonga lose tonight the domestic violence will start and the radios will go mental.
Sep 9, 4:43am
I'm not in South Auckland.
Sep 9, 5:44am
I took the aerial off and it's way better. No static.
Sep 9, 4:29pm
You do realise they're not confined to S.A., right!
Sep 9, 5:06pm
There's nothing wrong with our brown brothers - they are part of us and they permeate in all walks of life within kiwiland. Think about what New Zealand would have to offer if you took out all that was of 'brown' origin. Lol! A couple of insipid knob like farmers, with rednecks and ginga haired daughters. Lol!
Sep 9, 5:13pm
Tax cuts!
Sep 9, 5:33pm
Elaborate, kev you kiwi .
Sep 9, 8:15pm
Rhodesia thinks the white farmer is the devil too, so they drove them out. Now look at the place - what a success story!
Sep 9, 9:17pm
Yeah yep, I hear what you are saying but like lets talk about something closer to home. Say Auckland for example . that's supposed to be the most crowded 'melting pot' of all, isn't it! The 'browning' of New Zealand is going on bigtime up there if the papers are to be believed. And heres the thing . the govt has spent millions over the decades in an effort to educate the masses about equality and other stuff . yet sadly its all been for naught in the case of some . because by hiding away behind pseudonyms, these 'heros' show their true colours through their snide remarks on what is effectivley 'their neighbours' And funnily enough, it tends to be these same pricks that yell the loudest when 'their' team (the majority of which lay claim to having some amount of 'brownie derived, red' running through their veins) goes hard.
I heard the car was a 'white' that that piece of 'trash' landed against, lol! Fitting .
Oct 18, 5:56am
LMFAO brilliant stuff, see. churchs DO sometimes fight back
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