heav3, Sep 10, 10:04am
have changed points on battery and had new keys made. (other ones very very worn) Thinking it could be starter motor. Automatic. Have had for 15yrs.

intrade, Sep 10, 10:14am
more detail what car what year what transmission.
Your discription reads like this.
You car stops then locks its doors .
You must give a hell of a lot more information to make clear what you are actuarly talk about.

budgel, Sep 10, 10:14am
Maybe the ignition switch. I dont know what you mean by points on battery.

What brand and model are you talking about?

exwesty, Sep 10, 10:19am
What colour is the car?

mrfxit, Sep 10, 10:46am
I am picking it's the key fob battery contacts & maybe the car is locking it's self ? ?

nice_lady, Sep 10, 11:22am
Hubby had a car that stopped and locked up - once. It only did it once as the 'lockup' was the engine suddenly stopping when it put a piston through the side of the block after it dropped a big end at about 140Km/h. Bye bye Chrysler 360.

Different lockup ?

OP you NEED to be much more specific in your description of the event.

nice_lady, Sep 10, 11:25am
The starter motor starts the car. Why would it cause the car to 'stop and lock up' ?

sw20, Sep 10, 11:28am
Like pulling teeth.

nice_lady, Sep 10, 11:45am
Reminds me of a neighbour who tried repeatedly to start her car one morning, (Zephyr Mk4), without success untill the battery finally had no more charge. She then came over and knocked on the door to ask Hubby about it saying "My car won't start - I think it might be the battery". Hubby had difficulty keeping a straight face when he suggested that yes it could be.

mrfxit, Sep 10, 1:24pm
Alarm system fob ?

snoopy221, Sep 10, 1:31pm
have changed points on battery and had new keys made. (other ones very very worn) Thinking it could be starter motor. Automatic. Have had for 15yrs.

heav3 (438 438 positive feedback) 3:04 pm, Sun 10 Sep #1

Well it could be you have moved in those 15 years and not only worn keys and an aging steering lock mechanism . BUT parking in a different place with the steering at an angle is allowing the steering wheel lock to engage as you try to remove keys(or re-insert keys to move it later)
Whereas prior to your house move car was parked with wheels straight

Mind you as a mechanic for many years in the trade-i have had new keys made-cut new keys myself
But have NEVER put new points( as in replaced the actual positive and negative posts teminals? ) on a battery myself-so clearly is in capable hands?

Note-had ta run dat thru da babelfish translator. lol

marte, Sep 10, 5:42pm
OP, is there a large patch of oil under the car?

nice_lady, Sep 11, 11:43am
Errr one can only assume so eh ? People in general have about as much understanding of cars as they do of computers. Which is to say - if the thing goes first pop all is well. If it doesn't go or something strange happens most users have zero idea of what might be the problem.

gammelvind, Sep 11, 12:07pm
Why do people like the OP place a question and then never return or respond, looking more like a troll now.

matarautrader, Sep 11, 12:57pm
Lucky that OP lives at plughole end of country.

tegretol, Sep 11, 6:06pm
If the car is green then the issue is def caused by the cantabulator pivots having seized. However, if the car is red then suggest that the OP return it to wherever he bought it for a full refund.

skygone1, Sep 12, 8:19am
just because you come from the drip end of the country obviously dosen't help your intelligence

headcat, Sep 25, 1:44pm
Definitely a CGA claim there.