So Who gets auto chanel

intrade, Aug 11, 7:39am
magazie Here?
wops" Auto channel "

poppy62, Aug 11, 11:15am
If you mean Sky Ch75, then, I do.

intrade, Aug 11, 12:17pm
no its a magazin sent out to professional shops Who are in the automotive industry.
i guess you people are all on the dole pretending to be mechanics or what?

intrade, Aug 11, 12:21pm
just found its online also i get the paper version sent to my business adress.

intrade, Aug 11, 12:28pm
issue 4 had the led headlight ban article

headcat, Aug 11, 2:13pm
Wops? Is it an Italian mag?

intrade, Oct 28, 10:13pm
link above you seem to be able to read it online. it apeared in my letterbox with my business adress on it. a lot of it is advertising but some good articles of whats going on and its free so its got to have adds or it would cost 10 bux or more.