The back of a car

rainrain1, Sep 4, 5:24am
flat bit between the rear window and the back of the seat, what is it's proper name thnx? Interior of course

perfectimages, Sep 4, 5:30am
I remember it being called the rear parcel shelf, although these days we should know better than to put parcels on it just in case of a sudden stop and whatever is up there goes flying around the car.

kazbanz, Sep 4, 5:38am
its always been called the parcel shelf.

2sheddies, Sep 4, 5:39am
Walked past a car yesterday parked in town, three loaves of fresh bread sitting on the parcel shelf baking nicely in the blazing sun. No sarnies for lunch that day I would think.

My pet hate is a box of tissues on the parcel shelf. You know you're turning into an old duffer when you start putting boxes of tissues there.

atom.ant, Sep 4, 6:51am
^^ better that than having a dog with a nodding head

rainrain1, Sep 4, 6:56am
We always call it the back dash, I hate anything on mine, including the foxie who likes up there. Those of you with vehicles with leather seats, is that part leather as well, I need to know ta

2sheddies, Sep 4, 7:05am
Geez can you still get those? Haven't seen one for years hahaha!

perfectimages, Sep 4, 7:50am
I have leather seats in my car but the rear parcel shelf is covered in a carpet like liner.

2sheddies, Sep 4, 7:53am
Oh spare me hahahaha!

nice_lady, Sep 4, 7:54am
The Thing, (Kiwi colloquialism for any item you can't quite put a name to).

"Eh boy, put that stuff up on the thing eh, but don't stack it too high - you'll block my mirror".

djrandomguy, Sep 4, 8:51am
Parcel shelf. Where my wife loves to leave potential missiles or anything that is guaranteed to slide about such as plates, glasses, cups, books, baby toys or cellphones

rainrain1, Sep 4, 11:54am
OK ta, wasn't hoping to hear that, a stupid idea, I hate that stuff.

lookoutas, Sep 4, 12:51pm
I guess it depends on what lingo your part of the country uses.
I'd call it a parcel tray. Down Sth it would be a prrrcel trray.

gunhand, Sep 4, 1:06pm
6 6x9s holder.

rainrain1, Sep 4, 2:01pm
First time I've ever heard it called a parcel tray is in this thread. Who would put their parcels up there anyway?

mojo49, Sep 4, 2:05pm
Always parcel tray to me and I have never lived down South.

supernova2, Sep 4, 2:06pm
Every bowler uses it to hold their hats so maybe is should be called a hat rack.

saxman99, Sep 5, 1:27am
Horizontal rear storage upper divider trim panel.

rainrain1, Oct 6, 9:14am
haha I like it