Harder to sell an expensive car vs cheaper car?

bazfan, Sep 10, 8:50am
Do you guys think its harder to sell a more expensive new car privately ($11-$20k) vs a cheaper old car? (less than $10k) I notice some newer car private listings have been sitting on TM for 4-5 months.

Is it because more people need finance to buy a more expensive cars or its too risky buying a $15k car privately vs through a dealer.

intrade, Sep 10, 9:04am
PRIVATE SALE NO C,G,A = realistiically worth a hell of a lot less then a dealer one. some private sellers seem to not realise this on the cheaper car as they ask the same as dealers
You have a lot more protection thru a dealer then private.

sw20, Sep 10, 9:28am
If they sit they are overpriced and/or poorly marketed.

richynuts, Sep 10, 9:29am
I think anyone who saves 20k would not spend it on a car. most people are more than happy to put it on their mortgage or buy through a dealer, though I presume it takes a bit more time to set up. I don't have a mortgage anymore so just pay cash for a car and will only spend up to 6k which imo gets you a fairly good car in the mid to late 2000's, especially buying privately though do agree what intrade says.

wayned, Sep 10, 9:32am
Just went through this as a purchaser. Was looking at a $20K private listing that was probably only worth $20K at a dealer. I was thinking $17K was reasonable but then still nervous. Just run out of factory warranty. Got a car off a dealer on sale $20K with four years warranty left. Feel real comfortable with that purchase.

wayned, Sep 10, 9:33am
Sold my cheaper car the I was replacing within 36 hours, and it was hugely underpriced.

budgel, Sep 28, 6:19pm
I think that most people buying cars over say, $10K would want to finance them.
A well priced car will always sell readily.