Looking for a car

jaybee38, Jun 4, 7:00am
Been looking for a manual car of a specific make and model for a while. Common late model car, but not common in manual. Apart from on here and the dealers of that make, is there anywhere else worth looking?

gph1961, Jun 4, 7:10am
any other clues as to what you want?

jaybee38, Jun 4, 7:17am
Just want to know if there is some obvious place that I should be looking. I'm usually pretty good at searching for stuff.

cjohnw, Jun 4, 7:18am

Have vehicle listings.

nice_lady, Jun 4, 9:13am
Why would you not state the make/model here ? Surely someone might be able to assist you if you did.

s_nz, Jun 4, 9:20am
Trademe is by far the most used advertising platform.

Facebook marketplace would be the 2nd most common.

Other platforms (autotrader.co.nz, Driven etc) are worth a look, but likely duplicate the above.

You could also search the auctions in japan via somebody like carwebs, but late model manuals are quite rare their.

If it is a high value, less than 2 year old car, you could search https://www.autotrader.co.uk/ and see if there was anything viable to import. Basically needs to be "VAT Qualified" for that to work.

curlcrown, Jun 4, 12:08pm
The question has to be asked, Why does it have to be manual, why wont and auto do what you want? As others has said, please state make and model. It hard to help if we don't know what you want help with.

slarty45, Jun 4, 12:33pm
Might be looking for a popular manual car that has been debadged

toyboy3, Jun 4, 12:36pm
More likely wanting a red car as they are faster!

kazbanz, Jun 4, 3:45pm
if you gave the make/ model / year there are a few of us that could point you in the right direction.

kecal, Jun 5, 8:02am
the corner store down here has one , 2nd shelf on the left next to the flour and icing sugar.

car__parts, Jun 5, 2:19pm
Hillman imp was the first ever hatchback, cheap to run, sound neat, like a sewing machine, I recomend one of those.

tgray, Jun 6, 2:56am
Corolla perhaps? Not a lot of late model manuals left unfortunately. (relatively speaking).

kazbanz, Jun 6, 3:41am
have you confirmed that the model is actually made in manual in NZ ?

upnorth, Jun 6, 1:03pm
There's lots of Manuals in Spain.

curlcrown, Jun 7, 8:56am

toyboy3, Jul 28, 10:14pm
He is the hired help in Fawlty towers