Car with cigarette smell

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toyboy3, Nov 22, 5:00am
Looking at a Toyota car with cigarette smell, is it possible to remove? The price difference between a nonsmoking is $1000 similar condition cars other than the smoke

sw20, Nov 22, 5:09am
Yeah it's possible. Have you got a few hours spare to clean every surface in the car and leave the car unused for a few days to ventilate it?

toenail, Nov 22, 5:56am
I'd stay away, pay the extra $1000 for a non smokers car.

franc123, Nov 22, 6:40am
You can clean every surface if you want to but it wont work. Much of the odour gets generated from the evaporator core and the foam inside the heater box used to seal the distribution doors. Up to you whether you can live with it or not.

annie17111, Nov 22, 7:30am
I would pay the extra money for a non smokers car.

androth2, Nov 22, 7:39am
I saw one once ,the smell was in the carpets and all fabric on the seats etc .It was not removable. You could leave the windows and doors open for days but on hot days the smell will be back.

gamefisher, Nov 22, 7:40am
Takes 3-6month to disappear.

lilyfield, Nov 22, 7:48am
Shampoo all seats and carpet, remove them first, than use nilodor.
That should help a LOT,
Depends how much 1000 $ means to you.

saxman99, Nov 22, 7:52am
Yup, we bought a cheapie a few years ago which smelt a bit of smoke, not too bad though, a few months of driving with windows open sorted it out.

yz490, Nov 22, 7:57am
Had a dog smell in my passat when i bought it sight unseen [$1 reserve fever lol], was worse on hot days but plenty of airing [had it three years or more] & ok now. Not smoke smell i realise so i'm sure that'd be harder to eliminate.--but opening doors windows & boot on windy days should help.

kazbanz, Nov 22, 8:23am
You can remove the smell of smoke but it is a LONG job involving removing most of the interior of the car including the accesable/removable sections of the AC . The AC blower/ fan unit and most of the plastic trim panels. I allow 2 full days from start to finish to do the job.
Just to be clear that is NOT 2 days of actual work but allows drying time.

gunna-1, Nov 22, 9:03am
One car had a nasty plasticy smell, i dont know what it was but it realy got up my nostrils, all i wanted to do was light up a fag to get rid of it, some newer cars have odd interior smells from new that are worse than smoke, its hardly a bad smell, people should worry more about formaldehyde in everything, mates cars that smoked heavely would wilter away to tolerable levels after a month or two, i dont know weather it was the un that started this nonsense or if hitler has risen from the grave, i,me not being dramatic eather, his party started the first anti smokeing campaign, and it sweeps across the world, a faint tobbacco smell is easily cured with some automotive incence products, but people think they will get a lung full of tar from the cars interior, not to mention COPD is caused by cleaners aswell as smokeing, its better to be use to abit of dirt and smell, tobacco smoke never goes away but it becomes allmost unoticable apart from people fixated that it will kill them, like people use to be with germ obsessions.

kazbanz, Nov 22, 9:39am
Where are you coming from? Nothing to do with health-the smell of cigarette smoke is orrible inside a car. -

franc123, Nov 22, 9:48am
Those Opel/Holden Astras, Vectras, Zafiras etc from the early 2000's had terrible smelling interiors from brand new, it was unfixable.

lythande1, Nov 22, 9:57am
Glen20 Dettol spray.

gunna-1, Nov 22, 9:59am
Eh we must live on different plannets, the only "horrible" one i sat in was one with a heavy smoker with chronic bad breath, bacterial and unrelated to smokeing, eather way, they must be pritty sheltered to get annoyed over a mild musk.

gunna-1, Nov 22, 10:08am
Na go with car air fresheners, some of those aerosoles have a rank smell, dont know what they make the stuff out of, atleast if you dont like it you can unwind it from the mirror and biff it.

toyboy3, Nov 22, 10:12am
So the choice is cig smoke or a toilet deodorising smell, or buy the other car

kazbanz, Nov 22, 10:16am
Nope- the choice is put in a decent amount of elbow grease, cig smoke or buy the other car

gunna-1, Nov 22, 10:30am
Just a vaccume and automotive air freshener, leave it in the hot sun for abit and wind the windows down after, it will be gone in a few months, unless the nostrils are obsessed with it.

tgray, Nov 23, 4:56am
If you buy it, at the very least, clean the ash tray out thoroughly. A lot of the smell comes directly from it. Take a sniff and you will see what I mean. They absolutely stink!
I would soak it in a bucket of hot water with dish washing liquid overnight.
Then put a $50 aerosol air freshener product through the car. Follow instructions on the can - AC on with fan on full and recirculate mode with airflow on feet and front vents ideally.
It will get rid of the smell, BUT remember it's only masking it, not removing it.
From experience, the one smell harder to get rid of than cigarettes is dog smell. That's a whole new level as the hairs get caught in the fibre of the seats and a vacuum cleaner wont remove them. I have literally spend hours picking the hairs out one by one with my fingers.

tygertung, Nov 23, 5:31am
Or cat pee. My friend had a van and the smell would come back terrible every time it rained.

franc123, Nov 23, 5:50am
I've had worse than that. One customer had a moggy that must have been almost exclusively peeing in the air intake plenum chamber of her car. It was in a clean carpeted internal access garage 95% of the time, it was only one day when it was parked on a lawn for some reason and the cat had no choice but to cross a damp section of it in order to jump up on the bonnet and do the business that paw prints got left on it. The things you get asked to investigate as an auto tech.

gsimpson, Nov 23, 2:27pm
Smoking deadens their sense of smell so they don't realise how bad they smell.

gunna-1, Nov 23, 6:23pm
Bollox it smelt good before i stared.