Media starts talking car ownership.

stornello, Jul 12, 8:42am
A park light or wiper blades, it goes in as a fail. Hardly unroad worthy.

intrade, Jul 9, 4:51am
They dont point out however that its the law that you keep your car up to wof standards.
As that is what the real problem is they vague describe that people only fix what fails on wof.

intrade, Jul 9, 4:59am
Now i was born in the worlds number 1 gungster thug country.
But they do have some laws that work. and i have nothing against laws that work and make sense.
if police stop you and your cars tyres are below 1,6mm thread your car wont move from the spot it was stopped. a towtruck will come at your expense a fine and you get to pass a appointment for a new wof.
wof is 7 years for new cars 3 years till it is 10 years old and over 10 years old every 2 years wof. And real heaps that have 100 welding patches may only get 1 year. taxi also 1 year.
wof works like this you bring the car in a wofable state if they find 3 faults you get a recheck. if they find 4 faults test is abandoned and you get to pay for a whole new wof as you are supposed to bring it in a wofable state for inspection.
This is why swiss cars are wanted commodity in germany who have more lax law for wof.
emission testing is a whole other can of worms.

sw20, Jul 9, 5:29am
Not surprised MTA in there putting in their two cents. Wonder what they are after for themselves?

A tiny fraction of all road incidents are down to vehicle faults.

scuba, Jul 9, 4:47pm
Often find dodgy vehicles and dodgy drivers go hand in hand.
however- Kiwi owners being what they are- accident numbers would definitely go up if WoF regime ended. too many rely on it for finding problems.

nzmax, Jul 9, 5:32pm
Unfortunately, these days many people treat their car between WOF's like they would their toaster. As long as it toasts bread, and pops up, whats the issue? Doesn't matter that an element doesn't toast one side properly, or the pop up bit sticks sometimes, it's only when it stops working altogether that it gets any attention.

s_nz, Jul 9, 7:17pm
El Salvador?

intrade, Jul 10, 2:07pm
no switzerland they have 7 gugngster thugs prime mincers bleeding the taxes .
we went there to visit =scool excursion and one of these thugs tells us kids we pre discuss everything we say in parliament. i was thinking its just the muped show then thanks for letting me know you dum f. k was what i was thinking as a kid. i remember his name adof ogi. its absolute the worst place complete police state fake democracy . never do what voters vote on . they went as far as making a yea a no to try and get in to the EU its why i went away as far as possible you cant go any further then new zealand.

intrade, Dec 25, 11:19am
watch this i made this video that person has 450.000 bux savings . i went there to clean her rented apartment she has alshimers and is in a resthome costing 7 to 9 grand a month. probably no much left of her money now.