Scratched the side of the car on a fence

katje, Oct 3, 5:37am
Worth claiming Insurance on or no? Ive never actually scratched
or dented a car to the point it needs a panel job before.
Its the area above the tyre and its very scratched up. Not sure what'
that would cost at a panelbeater?

bryalea, Oct 3, 5:38am
Take it to a panel beater and ask. Then check your insurance excess and make that decision.

saxman99, Oct 3, 6:22am
More importantly, how’s the fence looking?

kazbanz, Nov 11, 8:56pm
Work on $250 per panel for the paint. Then it depends on how bad the panels are dented for the bodywork.
THAT SAID -it can look a heck of a lot worse than it is when you scrape a fence. Sometimes a wipe down with thinners to remove the paint transfer and a buff is all that's needed. so total cost is very low.