An old car restoring starting.

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mrfxit, Aug 18, 4:52pm
Not wrong on an old std Hunter.
Better shocks/ modified suspension alignment & better sway bars made a huge difference to them.

sw20, Aug 19, 2:03pm

sr2, Aug 19, 2:05pm
Nothing short of gorgeous!

sr2, Aug 19, 2:13pm
"Better shocks/ modified suspension alignment & better sway bars" made a huge difference to most mass produced 60-70's pommy cars but sadly the 'grunter failed miserably even when modified for club motorsport. Lets face it - when it came to chassis dynamics it was a dog. Still have a huge soft spot for them!

mrfxit, Dec 4, 10:01am
Yea but it made it a nicer dog
LOL yep & they folded just as well as any other small tin can from that era