Best Car polish?

mk3zephyr, Mar 28, 7:38am
In your Opinion, What is the best Polish or wax to use to give the old Trolley a bit of a sparkle? , Still to find a good one here.

intrade, Mar 28, 8:30am
mothers or maguiars

toenail, Mar 28, 11:00am
meguiars nxt polymer sealent

clark20, Mar 28, 12:53pm

mk3zephyr, Mar 28, 2:36pm
$44 quid at Supersheep
$57 quid at Ripco

mk3zephyr, Mar 28, 3:12pm
Anyone tried that Nu Finish stuff?

clark20, Mar 28, 3:30pm
Well you did say you want the best, economy would be Turtle wax

mk3zephyr, Mar 29, 3:36am
Just pointing out the price difference between places, Just goes to show it does pay to shop around.

wizid, Mar 29, 3:58am
yes aaa+

kazbanz, Mar 29, 5:28am
IMO the answer depends on the state of the paint. The type of paint and the age of the paint. Different product for each different job.

yogibearz, Aug 27, 11:42am
Agree with this.