I sold a car today

tgray, Aug 16, 1:14pm
under level 3. No face to face contact, payment made online, change of ownership done online, test drive by leaving key in car, I'm inside my office, they are outside and remained outside. All legal.
When the minister of Health is telling people to stay home, it's a big hit for car dealers though.
In the 61 days of June/July, I sold 39 cars. Not going to happen again under level 3.
30 enquiries a day has gone down to about 5.
Time on my hands now. Cleaning out the cupboards, going for walks. been here before.

cjohnw, Aug 16, 1:20pm
The Director of Public Health has not said you must stay home:

How to do business safely
Under Alert Level 3, there are restrictions to keep workers safe, limit interaction with customers and help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Your staff should work from home if they can.

Businesses should self-assess their ability to meet these restrictions and operate safely, just as they would normally to meet their duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act. Government agencies will not make these decisions for businesses.

mazalinas, Aug 16, 1:26pm
Can you not list your cars for sale on Trade Me?

m16d, Aug 16, 1:59pm
Is that a question or a statement. ?

intrade, Aug 16, 2:07pm
i would presume? if it was a statment he be using that sign !

tgray, Aug 16, 2:28pm
I have watched the briefings.
He has recommended you stay at home but it is not a requirement like level 4.

intrade, Aug 16, 2:30pm
i had somone look at my van after 5 minutes showing i said are you still interested as otherwise i stop wasting my time . na it was not brand new as they hoped it was after 20 years lol. i said no problem you can drive that way out good by lol.

cjohnw, Aug 16, 2:37pm
So if you continue the steps and actions you undertook for todays sale you could continue to keep your business open and sell cars.
Good luck with it.

intrade, Aug 16, 2:42pm
till wedensday . i would assume if we dont get further spread auckland and the rest will stay in level 2 from thursday. for 2 to 3 weeks and after 3 week nothing back to level 1. "is my prediction"
That is if no flat-earthers start superspreadding the virus

kazbanz, Aug 17, 9:28am
You can say that. Indeed you can scream it from the rooftops. But that doesn't pull people on into the dealerships.
fact is that car buyers in Auckland have mostly gone away.
We can lay blame of C19 to a fair degree. There is also the awesome weather after a period of yuk. There is also the traditional pre election sales slowdown.
You can also to a degree blame the really poor way the general public are being advised about dealers being open and what they (the public) can and can't legally do in a dealership.
The phone enquiries I have had since Wednesday are almost all amazed we are actually open in any way shape or form. .

cjohnw, Aug 17, 10:05am
Kaz, just to clarify, I was merely addressing Toby’s statement that he had to shut up his business. Under level 3 he needn’t.
In fact he made a sale that day, and he if he continued to operate like that he could remain open and make sales.
The other things you highlight ( weather, election, lockdown info) are seperate issues effecting sales really.

kazbanz, Dec 5, 6:59am
My point being that the way the public is being advised suggests we are closed. Or worse should be closed.
Mind you the flip side is people walking into the yard refusing point blank to provide information, ie scan the app or provide the info.