Hats off to the Car Groomers.

curlcrown, Nov 26, 10:33am
Wow, I'd forgotten how much hard work it is. Spent most of the day grooming today, mercifully it started raining so I've finished early. Sometimes these guys don't seem to get the credit they deserve and they are charging less than we did in the late 90s. It's quite a skill to do it efficiently and to a decent standard. These guys deserve all the thanks they can be given.

budgel, Nov 26, 1:21pm
Yep, the results speak for themselves.

kazbanz, Nov 26, 2:26pm
"normal" yard grooming I find boring after so many years. BUT taking a car that looks like a total dog and transforming it back to how it should look I really get a kick out of.

curlcrown, Nov 26, 2:32pm
That's what I did today with two cars I was a bit negative on and had sitting around for a week or two, now quite happy with them.

budgel, Nov 26, 2:56pm
Years ago I lived in a small town where the guy who ran the local garage was an Aussie.
When you put the car in for a warrant, it came back with the wheels cleaned and the tyres with a shine on them. The positive feedback that generated was way ahead of the effort he had put into it. Great psychology!

mrfxit, Nov 27, 2:45am
Dallas Motors (Mitsubishi) in Hamilton did a full basic car groom with all cars,
Sadly been closed down for many years now, but they had a huge workshop & were always busy.

buckyboy, Nov 27, 3:01am
have to totally agree. Always have clean and groomed my own car, but would love to get it done professionally but never seem to be able to have the spare $$$'s . dream on.

socram, Nov 27, 12:15pm
Fair to say that my cars look cleaner under the bonnet than elsewhere!

Had the car serviced last month, but due to the water shortage in Auckland, only the interior cleaned. Roll on December 14th when we can once again fire up the water-blaster.

What does it cost to get an SUV groomed?

s_nz, Oct 18, 7:17am