Higher mileage car for sale. condition

_peas, Jun 27, 9:19am
I'm preparing my old car for sale and my wife has backed into the drivers door. Its not too bad, imagine someone chucking a basketball into the middle of the door panel pretty hard and then some small black scuff marks added. Rest of the car has a few minor scrapes, looks pretty tidy overall.
Question. its done 240km so its probably going on for a $1 res and maybe it gets up around $3k, would you bother fixing it under insurance? $500 excess to fix so would the value be recovered? Thoughts appreciated.

slarty45, Jun 27, 9:24am
Is it a Hino Contessa, or some other brand/model?

franc123, Jun 27, 9:25am
Highly unlikely no. Is there any chance it could be pulled out with a vacuum plunger? It may pop out or at least look much better.

_peas, Jun 27, 9:35am
I've tried buffing out the black scuff marks but no joy there. I haven't tried a vacuum plunger but that might be a good start. Either that or pull the door card off and try to pop it.

kazbanz, Jun 27, 9:41am
Have you got time to drive to west Auckland?
Might be a wipe down with thinners and a pop with a sucker will sort it.--Its quiet here and Im bored.
Knowing the year/make /model will make it easier to know whats involved in popping the dent .
Equally to tidy the car up if you pay $35.00 for a color match spray can you'll be able to pencil touch the other scratches and marks around it.

brouser3, Jun 27, 9:42am
Maybe try a wrecker? Even if it is the wrong color it might be a better option than the dinged one. At least you have all the interior to transplant into it.

_peas, Jun 27, 9:51am
Thank you for the offer Kaz but I have a 92nd birthday this afternoon! If you are bored during the week (work in Avondale) then I would be more than happy to head in when its convenient. There is a few chips on the bonnet but its aluminum so no rust. BPE Subaru Legacy.

kazbanz, Jun 27, 9:55am
Any other day but Monday you are welcome and theres a really good chance it would pop from inside

_peas, Jun 27, 9:56am
What is the address Kaz? Any time in particular suit better than another?

kazbanz, Jun 27, 11:56am
I'm sure someone can tell ya where I'm at. no self promotion allowed yasee

poppy62, Jun 27, 12:01pm
Hey Kaz can you fit me in on Friday afternoon to give this a pop out . Thanks in a advance.


kazbanz, Jun 27, 12:09pm
no problem --shouldn't take morn a tap or two

poppy62, Jun 27, 12:12pm
I don't want any bog in it!

gph1961, Jun 27, 12:24pm
what about a wash /wax for my VW?

kazbanz, Jun 27, 2:31pm
as long as you don’t mind it looking like father teds car

tamarillo, Jun 27, 3:13pm
Don’t under value it, subarus carry mileage and that’s not that high.

_peas, Jun 27, 4:03pm
Sounds like a can of worms has been opened up for refinishing/grooming work for you Kaz!? Unless someone can "accidentally" spill the beans on contact for you. you could set up an auction for $1 for door repair (or attempt of to limit liability) and I will do a buy now?

_peas, Jun 27, 4:06pm
Thanks for the advice Tamarillo. I have a half dozen on the watchlist that must have started at $1 res so should get a decent idea of what's realistic this week before listing it. It's got a few extras that most on here don't have so pretty confident that it will get a fair price.

kazbanz, Jun 27, 4:23pm
nah l sell cars . In henderson

_peas, Jun 27, 5:06pm
A very useful and timely suggestion jmma. I must follow up on that. Thank you.

kazbanz, Jul 1, 11:50am
Sorry dude edges a bit too sharp. was worried it would cause a paint split if I did it. --expert will sort it

_peas, Jul 17, 8:40am
Thank you for your time Kaz. I've emailed Andy at Dent Devils so will see what he can do with it. Again thank you for the effort made, its definitely improved the appearance.