I found a viable car

gunna-1, Jul 4, 1:26am
In my price range to drive on the road, i havent driven in over ten years, it is a tidy car and better than my previous ones, but the reason i stoped driveing was over policeing at the time, i have a seriously bad feeling about it, i will be very anxious on the road around them, should i push ahead or na, my eyes are full of floaters and look bloodshot but this isnt to do with drugs, it is something curable with a product from the health shop, i still must get around to, my stomach is sick, and one year left before my licence expires.

gph1961, Jul 4, 2:13am
take a bus

tgray, Jul 4, 3:10am
Don't buy it! You have managed for the last 10 years without a car, so that tells me you really don't need one - especially one that you have a seriously bad feeling about.

cjohnw, Jul 4, 4:01am
No mate.
Why do something that causes you more stress and anxiety?
Use the money for taxis.

gunna-1, Jul 4, 6:43am
What other forms of id can i get, the police demand id when i am walking i left it expired while walking and told them it was, and a massive deal was made out of it, nearly got arrested, i dont have a passport and dont intend on getting one, allso stuff taxis, no way, no bus.

gunna-1, Jul 4, 6:57am
I think its other peoples anxiety why we are under a police state and have been for a long time, what goes around comes around.

scuba, Jul 4, 7:17am
You must be a dodgy looking fella if police are pulling you on the street for questioning hahaha… seriously they can only ask your name and address you don’t have to show id.Unless of course you got wound up snd started giving them a piece of yoir mind that usually gets their back up.

Apply for an 18 plus card that can be used for id my wife has one

kazbanz, Jul 4, 7:28am

kiwilandchch, Jul 4, 7:36am
I have been harassed in my younger days by police just sitting in a bus stop. put it down to my brown skin.

curlcrown, Jul 4, 8:04am
There is no requirement to carry ID of any kind in this country unless you are driving.

gunna-1, Jul 4, 9:07am
Ok thanks for that, i,le need it for my bbq meths anyway, the woman who ide,d me for that still looks puzzled while i take anoter checkout everytime i see her or wait for another one to open up, what a sad state of affairs, yes i have had someone literally screem seeing me comeing around the corner in fright, i am a scary looking dude, but looks are irrelevant today right?.

scuba, Jul 4, 9:27am
There is if you want to enter a licensed premises or buy alcohol . in fact you dont even have to be the customer if your with someone who is buying alcohol they can be refused service.
Or if you buy certain gun parts or ammunition maybe

gunna-1, Jul 4, 9:34am
Or bbq meths, seriously wth is up with that, it has poison in it now and no one mixes that with sherry any longer.

curlcrown, Jul 4, 10:23am
Still not a legal requirement, you can't be forced by law to show ID even in those situations you describe. Just refused service. Those are different things.

gusthe1, Jul 15, 10:47am
I'm glad someone else has figured this out