Where to buy car stuff? Repco, Supercheap and ?

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hazelnut2, Feb 7, 11:15am
Does NZ only have TWO car bits and pieces shops?

Have a Japanese import with those clear strip protectors down the whole edges of the doors. The glue is dodgy, the strips OK. There's tons of options in Aus, but not much here. Do people HAVE to buy overseas?

intrade, Feb 7, 12:17pm
there is a few laces more but overall we are limmited yes. and cost is usually way higher also.
Post what you need bunnungs wurth etc for adhesives but you need a company account for wurth Few more panel shops also.
for other stuff there is bnt and partmaster as well.

hazelnut2, Feb 7, 12:23pm
Thanks intrade. Good tips.

franc123, Feb 7, 3:50pm
How are they actually attached? If it's a soft body moulding tape I would just scrape it off and replace it. Failing that some sort of a contact adhesive would work. I would not replace the strips if they were otherwise serviceable.

martin11, Feb 8, 1:59am
Normally put on with double sided tape ,get that from M10 or Bunnings / Placemakers

hazelnut2, Feb 8, 10:48am
Thanks Marte for the great tip! Don't need a lot but will do the job perfectly!

blogzy, Feb 9, 1:46am
Yes, after experiencing the auto part market availability in Australia, returning to NZ auto parts market is frustrating. USA is even better.

hazelnut2, Feb 9, 2:54am
You've experienced the same as me! NO choice in NZ!

franc123, Feb 9, 2:56am
The problem here is that the majority of the cars on the road are used JDM models and the two Australian car parts chains that dominate don't really cater to that need because they largely do not exist over there. The most satisfactory solution is to import genuine parts at far more reasonable prices from overseas if you have the know how to identify the right stuff.

intrade, Feb 9, 3:49am
parts will be more and more a problem globally
The Indian Express: Explained: Why a global chipset shortage is choking top carmakers.

gazzat22, Feb 9, 4:24am
In the 70,s and 80,s in Auckland there were several parts suppliers,at least 6.They gradually got "swallowed up" by Repco until Super cheap came along.The company I worked for (40 trucks and 5)utes dealt with an Otahuhu company J I Delaney ltd who as i understand Repco priced out of the business then as happens put their prices up having destroyed any opposition.

franc123, Feb 9, 7:36am
It wouldnt be that hard to undercut them and push them out of the market with the right backing. They actually don't service it particularly well and they are operating to an outdated high cost business model. They screw over their retail customers in particular big time but I didnt need to say that. I've got plenty of ideas as to how it could be done but it's dependent on highly efficient logistics systems and couriers, something NZ falls short on. There is also the issue that, moving forward, the transition to EV's will impact the sales of consumable parts needed to keep motor vehicles operating like filtration, brake parts etc.

john1623, Feb 9, 10:06am
Butlers in Christchurch are good.

keytag, Feb 10, 2:21am
Repco did not price JL Delaney out of business.

Customers have zero loyalty to anyone, anywhere, and will always ditch one company for another in a heartbeat to save 5c

gazzat22, Feb 10, 4:04am
Well according to the Workshop Manager they did.!

john7891, Feb 10, 5:09am
Screwing over retail customers is the national sport in this country!

keytag, Feb 10, 5:36am
does that sports team include you ?

john7891, Feb 10, 6:14am
No it does not

franc123, Feb 10, 6:31am
Yeah yeah I know but auto parts is a particularly bad example.

kazbanz, Feb 10, 8:45am
It doesn't have those strips "factory" fitted.
I would remove the strips .Clean up the door edges with thinners then either leave alone. Reglue the existing strips or visit an auto Upolsterer
Given there are only two doors

keytag, Feb 10, 8:51am
So you never check if Bunnings has something and then see if Mitre 10 have the same cheaper ?
When you search on TradeMe and you find what you want you just pay the first price you see, you never look to see if someone has the same item for a cheaper price ?

john7891, Feb 11, 1:02pm
Sorry, misread your question.
Thought you were asking if I was looking to rip people off.
I have always looked for the best price takinging into account both price and service/information provided.
I have to wonder why the same air filter for my car can be obtained for $28 in Australia and is $99 here in NZ.
I know this is a fact of life here, but it does need to be questioned.

blogzy, Feb 11, 1:15pm
It's a frustrating fact of life here. One a lot of us find very hard to accept. No one likes being shafted and we are all exposed to it on a regular basis. I also resent having to "shop around" it's a bloody waste of time.

hazelnut2, Feb 11, 3:01pm
Guess what! I was looking for and found a soft top cleaner MUCH easier on here, than on either Repco or Supercheap websites, which as mentioned above, was a bloody waste of time!. I guess I'll use TM for auto stuffs. lol

As for the original reason for my question: Nano tape is the answer, recommended by Marte! Good stuff!

marte, Sep 15, 8:56am
Harrys Euro is great for Audi/VAG parts. They have part # searching too.
On TradeMe as well.