I have an early Ducati Monster 750 I am thinking of putting up for sale. Is it practical to sell it without allowing test rides? I am aware of my vulnerability to theft or someone dropping it during the test. I was wondering if asking for a deposit before allowing a test ride would be viable. What do you think is the best way to handle this?
Oct 7, 3:51pm
Personally I allow test rides with cash in hand. No exception. As you’re aware, too many things to go wrong.
Never yet had an issue selling bikes that way to genuinely interested buyers.
You could check with insurance if a test rider is covered, and if so have your excess in cash in your hand from them before they ride off.
Oct 7, 4:01pm
I'd let them hear & smell it from the end of the drive as it idles - out of sight, then give them a picture to look at while you go and rev it up a little. In reality however, a serious buyer would do anything to make you happy I would imagine.
Oct 7, 4:11pm
Play it by ear but advertise you need cash deposit and their vehicle keys. Then if you feel good about it at time relax on it, but yes check insurance.
Oct 7, 4:40pm
You get a pretty good gut feeling for this stuff but test ride on receipt of keys to their car is often safe.
Oct 7, 6:19pm
So many bikes get sold unseen nowdays the last 2 out of 3 motorbikes bought were unseen. alot of people just by without even viewing in person. , as Kazbaz says you will get a good gut feeling just from conversation. If they leave keys, drivers license and have their own helmet I think you will be fine. If they really want it and know what they are looking at they probably wont bother taking for a test ride. Just remember though it's up to you to be honest make sure it's up to scratch.ie brakes are good, clutch is not slipping, doesn't jump out of gear, chain is in good condition, nothing is bent or leaking etc etc
Oct 8, 3:45am
I sold a Fireblade a few years back. Had only one young pilot I wasn't comfortable with allowing a test ride and he saw my point and was fine with it. The rest turned up with their own gear, their license and came across as fellow bike enthusiasts, I was more than happy to let them take the bike through its paces. I'm in agreement with the 'gut feeling', trust your own judgement.
Oct 8, 5:44am
Thanks all, it has been a long time since I last sold a road bike. I remember back in the eighties when I was selling my Norton Commando. A young university student was interested and I told him I wouldnt allow a test ride, but he was welcome to be my pillion which he agreed to. He hadnt owned a Norton before, so I told him all about the legendary handling etc. etc., then proceeded to show him some examples of that at high speed with him on the back. When we got back he looked a bit pale faced and I asked him what he thought. He told me he thought I was f. king crazy and ran away never to be seen again!
Oct 8, 7:39am
Unseen seems pretty common alright , i guess more so with auctions . Bike trans look like they keep themselves pretty busy carting bikes between up there and the Mainland . Even more so since the Ferrys stopped taking unaccompanied Motorcycles , Bastards . Go with ya gut , but take their money 1st like . Will another bike replace the Monster .
Oct 8, 8:03am
No, I wont be replacing the monster with another bike. I am coming up to 71 years old. I bought the monster a few years ago to tidy up and get back into riding, but had left it too long and found I didnt enjoy it as I unexpectedly felt vulnerable. Bit of a bugger, but there it is!
Oct 8, 8:49am
Bugger , i hear what ya saying , old injury's don't help as you age to , that's for sure .
Oct 8, 8:25pm
Haha, i wish there was a 'Like' button for posts like this. I'll be laughing in my sleep after reading that.
Oct 9, 12:38am
When you have to catch the pillion riders feet with ya elbow's , ya know they are having fun .
Oct 12, 10:15am
I agree. Too many thrash merchants out there and you're left with any speed tickets they get. When I bought my current bike I had to show the seller my wad of cash to show I was serious before I could testride. That was fine with me and we did the deal after the testride.
Oct 12, 11:02am
As long as you actually see the Car, and they can Verify that they actually own it.
Nov 8, 5:09am
Love it !
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