Can any1 recommend some1 . NZTA site where it did say they had a list comes up as page not found . Seem to be plenty of car certifier's but bugger all for motorcycles . NZTA site says to expect delays taking calls or getting reply's . I have an idea , why don't they employ more staff if they can not cope with demand .
Dec 23, 1:45am
Im pretty sure Muzza did them or could have them done. He is now Meccanica in Gasson Street. But then with your username you would know that
Dec 23, 1:54am
Sure do, thanks . Have always been impressed with the paint work on their race bikes . He has earnt a good reputation .
Dec 23, 3:07am
Dave if you get stuck "someone" is probably able to help you get sorted out.
Dec 23, 3:47am
Muzz is thinking it can only be done up north now days . That would make it not worth while . Always handy to have extra bike in the shed if you get visitors like . Just after i find that out an email comes through saying i won an auction for a pair of Pirelli Angel GT tyres for $350 . Bike only needed a rear road5 but was thinking if i can get a set for the price of 1 rear tyre all the better . will have to wait i see if i get a reply from NZTA
Dec 23, 4:42am
Spoiler Alert: He uses Evans Colour Works for his paintwork.
Thats just an observation from visiting Ruapuna over the years , bikes are always looking sharp . He did get some coin out of me years ago so i could have ss1000ds complete clutch and basket up my sleeve . Haven't needed it so its still in the box it arrived in .
Dec 24, 1:14am
When i was trying to get that page to work earlier yesterday , it wouldn't come up . No mention motorcycles on Gordon details . Bent bars , broken foot peg and mount , a couple of indicators . Pannier bag took slide well saving the bike . Not a mark on the bump stops. Might make a cheap farm bike with some dirt tyres fitted . Heated grips still work mint .
Dec 24, 3:43am
Gordon Taylor was working out of Hesson & Bowry Collision Centre 8 Wise street Addington quite a few years back. Maybe worth giving them a call? I use to buy damaged bikes and repair when I could pick up cheap through the tender yards. All that stuff goes through Turner's trademe now and bikes end up selling for stupid money, not sure what people are thinking sometimes.
Dec 24, 4:31am
People do tend to get a little excited for sure , its all the unknown . Did alright with a $600 smokey quad last year . Hone piston and rings and a tidy up turned into $4500 . This was my 1st time using Manheim live simulcast auction , had to pick the bike up from Ashburton so a bit of a drive . Was pleased it fired right up after getting it home . North Island auctions have a lot more bikes going through . Tendering for those Court confiscated bikes is worth a go . Took a punt on a very tidy Mille and got that for a song . Was pleased that fired right up after being in storage for quite a few years . Wasn't really expecting to get it for my low offer . Was nice to get that phone call from north shore saying my offer was acepted . Bike Tranz , it's me again :-) .
Dec 24, 2:58pm
I think Gordons son Cory Taylor is certing now, a mate also uses Manheim and rebuilds or wrecks bikes , anyway i think this is the place to go
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