Easiest way to find the owner of a car

differentthings, Sep 16, 8:45am
sold a car as a project about 6 months ago. The rego way on hold and had the black plates but could only find 1 of them. Finally found the other 1 but have lost the guys details. He really want it so what is the best way to track him down. thx

poppy62, Sep 16, 9:01am
If you have both done change of ownership, then just take the plate in to an agent for licensing and registration and ask to have the details of the new owner or ask them to forward the plate on to the new owner. They will advise you what you can do.

kazbanz, Sep 16, 10:47am
How was it advertised? If on here and an auction then flick a "complaint" to Trade me asking them to e mail the guy. If a classified then did he ask a question?--if so -as above.

tony9, Sep 16, 11:30am
Contact your friendly local community police person, they will get the owner to contact you.

differentthings, Nov 18, 8:03pm
OK thanks. I'll go though VTNZ or the police. Yes we both did the rego (ownership) change at the time. It was sold though word and mouth so I didn't know him but was a nice guy. He said he could get a replacement but really wanted the original plate if possible.
Thanks for the help.