Towing trailer with ROPE

philltauranga, Sep 3, 2:10am
Motorway Patrol ch 2 Muppet towing trailer with rope! Honda civic hatch, boot down, towbar in boot and tied up with rope. Shuda used No 8 wire bro, what a muppet.

nz2293, Sep 3, 2:21am
cracked me up how the cops had to check the rule book

philltauranga, Sep 3, 2:22am
PMSL they should join the CVIU ( truck cops ) if they gota cheack that.

v8_mopar, Sep 3, 2:24am
Dont know whats funnyer #1 or #2

johnf_456, Sep 3, 2:38am
Good episode but it was a repeat

ema1, Oct 12, 1:45am
Right "jerk offs" fancy trying to get away with plates off another car and a rego/licence label from yet another car, let alone towing a trailer tied to the car with a rope!
Even when the cops popped the bonnet they found the body/chassis/VIN numbers had been ground off it's firewall.
But it gets better/funnier, car had no towbar but towing an old trailer tied to the car with rope somehow phew, funnier because the guy said . "We used the safety chain bro!"
As I saw it the car was a Honda , rego plates off a Mitsubishi & the rego/licence label was from a Mazda.
In the end the car was destroyed as result of lack of forensic knowledge as to it's current ownership status & whether it was stolen etc.Best place for it I say.idiots.