Looking at buying a Corona 1999, just have one question, with this vehicle should the airbag SRS light come on when starting up the car ! (and then go off again)
Oct 5, 2:46am
Yes.That is normal.
Oct 5, 2:52am
When I took this for a test drive the light didn't go on at all. One mechanic said that it depends on the certain car and if it is mechanical or chemical. Wanting to know if its a bad thing if this doesn't come on. Person selling it say's it's never come on.
Oct 5, 2:59am
It should come on every time you start the car or turn the ignition ON, and go out in a few seconds.
Oct 5, 3:03am
The mechanical airbag systems were not fitted with warning lights at all, on some systems that do have lights it may not necessarily come on every time it gets started, if its been less than a minute since the car was turned off, or even just the key turned off, it doesn't go through the self test procedure again, which is of course when the light comes on and goes off after it starts.
Dec 9, 9:06am
An SRS light not turning on will fail a WoF and it can be very expensive to get that fixed (depending on what the fault actually is) If you're dead keen on the car, maybe get the SRS computer scanned for logged faults. that may give you a better idea what's going on
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