95 Manual. I have tryed moving the streering wheel etc. but it's not working. It just won't turn. Does this mean I have get a new ignition barrel and key ? and would I see toyota dealer or locksmith or whom. I am a little baffled on what step to take next. any ideas or info would be greatly appreciated.
Feb 17, 12:35pm
Common fault see a locksmith.
Feb 17, 12:38pm
Spray some penetrating oil down the barrel and try again. If you can get the key out use a spare key if you have one or get a new one cut and try it. Otherwise, you will most likely need a new ignition barrel.
Feb 17, 1:04pm
best to see a locksmith but for the short term turn the key upside down and try again with wiggling the steering.
Feb 17, 3:30pm
A locksmith is where you go. A combination of factors might be in play.The key is worn down to the point it wont move the wafers and there may be stuck wafers. if I had time on my side I would try removing the drivers door lock and get a key cut to the lock not to the old key. That would be first step. If the ignition still didn't turn then I'd remove the ignition barrel and get the locksmith to open it up and remove the busted wafers.
Feb 17, 3:36pm
Agree.TRy abit of CRC if that makes no difference try a new key ,worked for a corona we had.Turned out the key was worn like Kaz says.
Feb 17, 3:42pm
A locksmith I knew would rip you a new A hole if you used crc,it seems to loosen all the grit and really binds up the lock. graphite powder is the go if you need to lube it. Go to a locksmith.
Feb 17, 6:42pm
depends on the CRC you use :-) ive used electrical cleaner to literally wash the metal filings and grit and gunge out of a lock a few times. literally using the product like a hose.because it completely bioils off ive had success
Feb 17, 6:54pm
Thanks everybody. I will try a new key. I heard a new ignition barrel can be costly. Fuingers crossed the new key works. cheers
Feb 17, 7:12pm
Dont have a bunch of keys hanging off the key ring , common for that to stuff toyta barrells . but probably cheaper to get used lock &key
Feb 17, 7:20pm
Had this same problem recently in my partner's Mirage, but only the steering wheel lock part was jamming, took the barell to a locksmith $60 later all fixed.
Feb 17, 11:00pm
Ok tryed the new key which was cut from the old. turned first time then tryed again then it wouldn't. So im going to go to a partd guy get a second hand barrel n key and replace the whole unit. interesting to know that oter keys on the chain will add weight and wear the barrel out.
Feb 17, 11:24pm
If it's NZ new Toyota will have the key number on file. Get a key cut to code, if that works it will save you the hassle (and cost) of changing ignition
Feb 17, 11:41pm
post 5 or above post as if u cut key from old u are just ending up with worn new key when I get new car , i get key cut and use that keeping original key as spare re this problem . could still be worn wafer in ignition in which case il get second hand one from pikpart take that to lock smith and get him to key alike to ur door barrel .
Feb 17, 11:47pm
you didn't listen . Get a key cut from the DOOR lock not from the old key. if you are going to the trouble of getting a replacement barrel then you are removing the original barrel anyway. Its cheaper and easier to get a locksmith to open up the old barrel and sort the wafers rather than replacing old and worn with another possibly almost equally old and worn
Feb 18, 12:11am
when ever i go out ive two sets of keys the car key on some light key ring so dont get lost and main keys for wot ever house the kids and parents spares as yes does were out barrel prematurely
Feb 18, 8:53pm
The locksmith i go to said b. s. t.the key wears and cleaner will just wash it out.As kaz said a proper locksmith will use the toyota number from the lock or the nz key,if you went to mr minit or some such youve got a copy of a worn key.
Feb 20, 11:44pm
Ok update. Tryed graphite powder. no luck then watched a vid on youtube and took the barrel out and will get a quote. On repairs or a second hand with a key from wreckers. thanks for all the advise.
Feb 21, 1:33am
no no dont put crap in to a lock! ever the lock is probably jamming up because it has crap in there adding more dont helps the cause! You need to get it in to ACC because only there you can remove the berral by pushing a nail in on the lock and it will pop out for cleaning and repair by a locksmith. you got it out i hope not with force? because i just told you how its removed correctly.
Feb 21, 1:46am
Did exactly that, Used a screw driver to push pin and with key on acc it slid out.
Feb 21, 2:34pm
ok then take the berral and key to locksmiss they can fix it if they are professional locksmith, if they cant they are non professional ones and you talke it to a professional
Feb 21, 4:27pm
Think about this. YOUR second hand barrel has failed. you are concidering fitting another second hand barrel see the problem?
Feb 21, 7:00pm
^ It was the original barrel so how could it be second hand LOL. Just so you don't melt down the barrel has been fixed by the professional locksmith and I installed it and am running again. I hope you sleep easy tonight LOL :-)
Jun 4, 6:59am
Double quoting ya here.--YOU asked for help. I was pointing out the problem with your logic. The barrel in ya car was from 1995 and failed so after 20 years use is very much second hand. You wanted to fit another 1995 barrel. As I pointed out you are asking for a repeat of the same issue and will pay more than a locksmith would charge you.
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