can anyone give me a rough idea what it would cost to get this done! thanks
Jun 18, 3:30pm
you never replace the clutch plate. you always replace the whole lot as everything is having done the same work. Truster bearing spigot bearingmain rear crank bearing flywheel skim if required clutch disk and pressure plate. thats all the stuff your likely will need some dont have a spigot bearing some do. 600 to 1000$ parts are likely 350 or so $
Jun 18, 4:25pm
holy crap. That'salmost more than the car is worth
Jun 18, 4:33pm
can you do it your self! remember the car is worth heaps solong as it is not rusted year you can sell that car in ok looking condition for 3 grand with newwof. as emission law is going to stop even more cars from import.
Jun 18, 4:37pm
if you just change the clutch disc then you are doing russian roulette as the part that is normaly stuffed is the springs of the pressure plate and not the disk. fitting a new disk gives you 3mm more material andcould temporarely help a clutch slipping but for how long lol and all the work will be for nothing if it slips 14 days after again and the new clutch plate will be burned out and glazed rooted also again. do you get why you change the lot. truster bearing same thing. they seeze up they dont last for ever . once it seezes it will eat a hole thru the clutches pressure plate and root that also.
Jun 18, 4:41pm
I have the know how to do it myself, but not the tools or equipment.
and yea I get what you mean about all the other bits (ie pressure plate, thrust bearing etc) just honestly didn't expect the figure to go anywhere near a grand.
and do you really think my 1989 corona with a couple of small dings is going to be worth 3 grand by next year! it looks ok and is good on gas but its not exactly an amazing car or anything
Jun 18, 4:43pm
and yea it doesn't even have a spot of rust on it, the wof guys reckoned it was real good for its age.
Jun 18, 4:52pm
you best to keep it i cant guarantee it be 3grand worth but it wont loose value i guarantee you that much. Here is why i think and know this. I used to own a 1989 ford telstar 626 wagon. It was 8 year old when i sold it for 1800$ that was just before the first emission rules for imports came inn it had a newwof for thet money and it took me 6 month to sell it as there where loads of 600$ cars with new wof for sale also. If i had this car now and in the same condition i could still sell it for 1800$ as there are no more cars with new wof and only 600$ and if they are they are gone like the wind. so this means other 600$ car hunterscompeat now for the rest of the cheap cars and usually 2000$ cars are now what used to be the 600$ ones still full of problems . Like i told my naigbour there is no way i be able to get him a other van that will last 8 year for 1600$ I his budget was 4 grand i said you wont get much good for that these days. its 10 grand now that buys mint cars used to be 6 to 8 grand and that mark is going up as soon as the next load off emission rules take force 8 month later is my guess.
Jun 18, 4:55pm
hmmm well I got my car for 800, with a years rego, new tyres and a new wof. only downside really was that the clutch was pretty worn and it needed some front brake pads. doesn't burn oil, smoke, use water or anything. so its probably worth getting the clutch done
my mileage is up to 240k though
Jun 18, 4:58pm
240k is nothing my carina had 280 and was running fine they go for 350 to 400,000km you also want to check if the timing belt was done at 200,000 k or notdont trust no one when they just tell you it was done.
Jun 18, 5:02pm
That being the case there isn't much to complain about is there!You effectively paid for four new tyres and a years licence and got the rest of the vehicle chucked in for free didn't you.Doing a clutch properly in one of those would be about $6-700 I'd have thought depending on where you go.
Jun 18, 5:03pm
one other question, a few weeks ago I let someone borrow my car (yea dumb aye) this person knew how to drive manual but as it turned out hadn't driven stick for years. anyway to cut a long story short the car got stuck in 3rd gear (wasn't even sure that was possible) on the motorway and spent the next 3 days idling really low, and kinda missing. almost as if it was going to stall. it also seems a little harder to start since this happened.
any idea what might be the problem! im thinking possibly spark plugs
oh and would an engine lift or hoist be needed to change the clutch!
Jun 18, 5:05pm
box drops out the bottoma car hoist is usually best unlessyou are real good in bench pressing.
Jun 18, 5:08pm
for other problem post engine number . and how do you mean harder to start ! crank longer or cranking slower etc bit more info be required i guess. and is the gearbox fine now! gearbox of manual wont have anything to do with low idle of the engine of that year car.
Jun 18, 5:16pm
engine is a 3sfe, as for harder to start I mean it cranks over for much longer before firing since this happened. as for low idle it wasn't exactly low, more lumpy as if it was missing or something, but when I blip the accelerator it smoothed out, this problem has vanished but stayed for a couple of days after it was mistreated
not really worth it, by the time I have driven the vehicle (complete with slipping clutch) all the way to napier its going to cost more than just getting it done by someone else
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