Garmin GPS Units

shagged, Oct 8, 1:35am
what are the garmin gps units like.looking at the Garmin Nuvi 3760 or the Garmin nuvi 2350. I have used both tomtom and navman in the past (prefer the tomtom to navman).

I know with tomtom you have to pay for the new map updates. Are the garmin life time map updates free or is there are charge for them also.

chalkie51, Oct 8, 2:00am
My Garmin Nuvi 1350, 1 free update provided you register within 60 days of first useage

socram, Oct 8, 3:17am
I think there is an open source (free) update for Garmin.I use a cheap Garmin model here in NZ (Nuvi 255!) but far prefer my brother's Tom Tom in the UK.When you think about it, there are not too many changes year to year, so unless you are a courier driver, I wouldn't have thought that an update would be required very often.

ralphdog1, Oct 8, 3:28am
Free updates for Garmin here:
And really up to date, as well you can send them info about errors if they exist and it gets fixed.
Way to go.

intrade, Oct 8, 12:58pm
garmin is top i got one that is also a cellphone and used the open gps map works mint. and free maps for it for real.i got nüvifone A50

shagged, Oct 8, 3:09pm
is garmin compatible with apple macs for downloading and updating!

pdh, Oct 8, 5:02pm
I had a Uniden and then went to a Garmin because of the reviews. I decided to go back to the Uniden after 6 months.
The Garmin had life time free updates but nothing seemed to get updated for New Zealand. There is also no speed camera warnings (for NZ or Australia). I think if you live in the US then it might be better.

loose.unit8, Oct 8, 6:04pm
100 x better than the maps that garmin make you pay for

murph2068594, Oct 9, 1:36am
You'd really like the Garmin Nuvi 3760, it's so slim at 8mm and so many options on it to plan your route, find petrol stations, shopping, entertainment etc.
Best garmin gps yet.

comadi, Oct 9, 3:04am
I had a Garmin Nuvi about a year ago (1390 I think ) Very dissapointing product.

I was in a job where I would do up to 20 searches a day, and found it average at best.
I took it back to DSE and they kindly allowed me to swap for the tomtom xxl 550.
Superior product !

intrade, Oct 9, 5:34am
what are you on abouts open-gps site has new maps every 14 days no others have that often free map-updates

surf_quiksilver, Oct 9, 6:23am
3760 is good.

Free map updates for life (four a year).

That deal ends in January I believe!

eagles9999, Oct 9, 5:30pm
Found the Uniden really great and comes loaded with maps for Oz and NZ.

socram, Dec 21, 4:12pm
The speed camera warnings on the UK TomTom are excellent.Probably because the UK police do not operate hidden cameras. They also use a lot of average speed cameras rather than plain snapshot ones in NZ.

Methinks the UK cameras are less about revenue gathering than NZ.