GPS update maps for 2009Toyota Prius

ash369, Dec 28, 1:07am
I checked the price of map updates at around $400.I could buy a new system for less than this.Any ideas!

gadgit3, Dec 28, 1:09am
I'd like to see ya replace the system for that. there $4k to replace. but how well do ya get on with your local dealer.

ash369, Dec 28, 1:16am
I was referring to the GPS systems for sale at Dick Smiths etc.They just sit on the dash.I really like the system that the manufacturers had built in, but I don'tm like the idea of updating the maps each year for $400 a time.I get on fine with my dealer but was quoted around $400 by them about a year ago.

gadgit3, Dec 28, 1:20am
Yea so the relationship is not as good as you think then. Disc you have in your car at the mo is updated every year so the new disc you are after is in all new toyotas fitted with GPS. so you find someone with a 2011 landcruiser or prado and borrow their map disc for about 2 min and you will have your update

gadgit3, Dec 28, 1:22am
I wouldn't get to hung up on updates tho unless there has been a huge change in roading round you or where your going.

ash369, Dec 28, 1:23am
So a landcruiser or prado disc will be compatible with Prius!Why not a later model Prius also then!

gadgit3, Dec 28, 1:25am
Lol like I said "all new toyotas fitted with GPS"

ash369, Dec 28, 1:28am
Thanks for that .Food for thought.But wouldn't it be breach of copyright or something.Could be VERY expensive inthe long run.But they damn-well encourage this by charging like a wounded bull.

shane.64, Dec 28, 1:29am
The toyota dealer should have the disc.Just ask them to load it on for a box ! You don't need the disc.Its only softwear that you use one time

gadgit3, Dec 28, 1:33am
Yip copy right blabla if it bothers you don't do it but the price of an update disc is not that different from what Navman or Tomtom would charge. And once the disc is installed it can be throwen away.

ash369, Dec 28, 1:36am
Thanks guys.I learnt more from you than mucking about with google -- getting nowhere.Ta.

geoff_m, Dec 28, 1:14pm
Look around and ask on

trdbzr, Jul 17, 1:13pm
FFS then go ahead and pay the $400, it will be the exact same procedure except that you have just forked out $400 for it. Alternatively, go and buy a Garmin GPS. You can get free map updates for them.