Any ideas on isuzu bighorn gear box prob!

equiis, Nov 6, 1:44am
Manual, 3.1 diesel, 1996. No noises or anything then got in to go home and only selecting forward gears(think 2 of them). No reverse at all. Clutch is working to disengage gear. Am guessing I have 3 and fourth maybe! bit hard to tell. All has been going fine and then this.any ideas! please and ta in advance

muzz67, Nov 6, 1:51am
any forward motion when gears engaged! sounds like clutch not disengaging!

mugenb20b, Nov 6, 1:53am
You may have sheared locating pins at the base of your gear lever.

equiis, Nov 6, 1:58am
Muzz69- Yep wagon drives forward.when you push clutch in it stops(so to speak)
Gear lever feels normal when going into the two you can get but wont budge anywhere else.
mugenb20b- what's involved with that!

mugenb20b, Nov 6, 2:03am
I don't actually know what kind of gear lever setup Bighorn has, but on Hiluxes, you pull the centre console out, the rubber boots and $hit until you see the top of the gearbox. Then you unbolt the gear lever and inspect the two pins (some cars have one), if it's loose or missing. I punch the pins out and tap a hole and fit a nut and bolt in its place (from the outside). I wind the bolt in only as far as a factory pin and lock the bolt with the nut (sorry if it doesn't make sense).

equiis, Nov 6, 2:18am
I did have a go at getting into the gearbox but after console, 1st boot and then comming across the second small boot I got a bit worried-doesn't look anything like the anglia van gearbox lol, I decided to leave it alone for now and ask around.thanks for your input so far all:)

mugenb20b, Nov 6, 2:22am
Yeah, there's always two frickin' boots, PITA, but only there for sound deadening. They should still come off, sometimes with the gear lever.

equiis, Nov 6, 8:53pm
Update.garage has it and is saying it is internal and will need to be removed and split does have two gears working. I am very worried about getting ripped off here as I am a female. Is this sounding ligit so far! sounds frikin expensive.

mugenb20b, Nov 6, 10:35pm
Bugger! It will be. Sorry to hear that.

equiis, Nov 6, 10:47pm
Have told them I want to have a look when split.before they fix it so that might keep them honest! Guess it in the lap of the gods huh! Bugger is a bit nicer than I would explain

sas777, Nov 7, 6:08am
Grab your camera, ask them to point to part that's busted, snap away and tell them you're sending pics to brother overseas who's paying for repair.
Worth a shot.

equiis, Nov 11, 6:57pm
What a good crowd! Rang when gearbox out and offered to pick me up to show me the ins and outs. All ligit! so there you go.I was very unjust in suspicions. Job all done with new clutch plate and bearing for $1000 which I think is reasonable all things considered. Thanks for the help above:)

mugenb20b, Nov 11, 9:49pm
$1000! That's very cheap actually, glad you got it sorted. Clutch job alone would be close to $1k.

modie61, Nov 12, 1:28am
equiis,please tell us the name of repairer for future reference thanks.

equiis, Nov 14, 12:38pm
Linn Motors, Paeroa. Mitch was the mechanic that sorted it. Hope tm doesnt growl about this but just as bad service gets bad review, I think good should get the same.

muzz67, Nov 6, 1:51am
gear lever feel okay!