Question re truck crashes

modie61, Nov 15, 9:29pm
Do all truck crashes get investigated by the Heavy Vehicle Accident people or is it just fatal ones !

rsr72, Nov 15, 9:30pm
Probably hard for 'em to keep up.

bigjerry, Nov 15, 9:35pm
Have you just crashed your truck modie!

modie61, Nov 15, 9:35pm
I was wondering that,after the last couple of days,i noticed that not all heavy truck crashes get reported,doh,maybe i shouldnt have said that. Oh well.

modie61, Nov 15, 9:37pm
No no. I dont have one,unless you call a Commodore a truck,lol. I just read the one on stuff,up Taupo way,looks like a heavy load to try and stop.

smac, Nov 15, 9:44pm
What gets investigated and what the media report would have little to do with each other.

modie61, Nov 15, 9:47pm
I agree.smac.
What i mean is there are crashes that happen all the time where drivers swap details and everyone gets on with it. They are not major or life threating.

kwdriver, Nov 15, 9:57pm
If the police are called then the CVIU become involved, then things get investigated and god help the driver or company if they find anything wrong.

the-lada-dude, Nov 15, 11:38pm
i heard a long time ago now ,that logging truck accidents on the napier taupo road were swept away as quickly and quietly as possible ! only because if joe public found out how bad it was you'ldhave hell to pay.
i remember seeing a truck yard around that area once and it was just full of wrecks

berg, Nov 16, 1:25am
Depends on the circumstances regarding the crash and the attention it will receive.
If it is deemed to be serious, life threatening or fatal, or likely to be of media/public interest CVIU will roll out for a look. Also if the cop on the scene is a bit out of their depth they will request CVIU.
The bus crash at Paekakariki was a prime example. Nobody hurt but liable to be of public interest.

kingfisher21, Nov 16, 3:05am
Don't forget the tossers that think that because there is a truck involved it's automatically the trucks fault. I drove trucks for a fair few years and some of the idiots in cars where just plain unbelievable.

solarboy, Nov 16, 5:13am
Yep, most would be professional drivers driving professionally unlike the varied mix using cars bikes and motorcycles.

pollymay, Nov 16, 8:47am
Fixed that for you, 99% accurate to NZers

modie61, Nov 16, 3:07pm
I saw a woman drive into the front wheel of a truck at the lights the other day,the truck was all but stopped when she decided to change lanes,boy did she get up the truck driver,poor bugger. Her car was written off,haha.

modie61, Mar 9, 9:51am
Theres going to be a crash soon i can just see it,with the logging trucks,empty,crossing into Car Hauls old yard at Paekakariki. They have to drive on the centre line and turn right in front of oncoming traffic in 100kph area,saw a close one yesterday,there are no warning signs at all.