Honda ct110 help

056cripz, Nov 19, 4:05am
Hey i just bought a honda ct110 i am restoring it has no battery and am just wondering if i stick a 50cc scooter batterie in it will it b ok! it wont blow anything! cheers.

mbikeman1, Nov 19, 4:14am
is it a cdi model!if so then i wont need it to run.Otherwise check the bulbs in the bike to confirm what voltage it runs the get a battery to suit.most scooters these days run 12v and i know the ct90 was 6v but im not sure on the 110cc model.Try google it

056cripz, Nov 19, 4:22am
Cheers man it has no lights on it at the moment but has all the wiring it runs fine without the battery just needs one for the lights and horn etc as when it is running without the battery the horn is like as loud as a mouse squeek. i got told it b fine with the 50cc battery for now that it won't blow anything but the lights would just be dimmer!

kazbanz, Nov 19, 2:36pm
056scripz --I dunno who is giving you your info but I'd strongluy suggest you look elsewhere.
Your bike has some vital components.
1) the charging system
2) the coil
3) the points/cdi
4) the reg/.rec
Now if its points ignition you can forget that -but if its a 6v CDI then running 6v through it is not clever. Ditto the coil. Add to that that the charging system if 6v is trying to charge a 12v battery.--Ohh youy get what I'm saying.
FIND OUT if its 6 or 12 voltBEFOREfitting a battery.On the coil and on the CDI it will tell you if its 6 or 12 volts.

ralphdog1, Nov 19, 2:46pm
What Kaz says, if it is 6 or 12V is the first thing you must find out.
The someone telling you a 50cc battery will be fine is an oxygen thief.

056cripz, Nov 19, 4:22pm
I would have thought a bigger bike would need a biger engine but i shall see if the coil says 6 or 12volt so if it is 12 it cnt hav 6 volt! i knw tho u cnt put a 12 in a 6volt that b stupid.

kazbanz, Nov 19, 7:47pm
056 - if you put a 6v battery into a bike with a 12v charging system that battery is gonna be goosed pretty darn quick.and putting a 12 volt battery into a bike with 6 volt stuff is likely to result in something else going pop. for the sake of a quick check you'll save yaself a lot of hassles.
Incidently Your wiring doesn't care if its 12 or 6 volts and all the bulb holders wont care. The bulbs need to be the correct voltage

056cripz, Mar 20, 10:41am
Thanks here is another question say i just run the bike with no battery it wont harm it rite! can i take a complete wiring loom off one of my scooters with the switches etc and just shov that on my bike! just to ensure i dont fry anything on the bike! i know battery will go flat but it is chargable. cheers for the help people