Anyone using a TOMTOM gps!

hapukanz, Jan 16, 10:40pm

I have the TOMTOM XL 250

Had it as an Xmas pressy

After a 24 hour charge the battery will only last 2 hours under normal usage!

Is this normal!

Thanks for any help

pandai, Jan 16, 10:56pm
Yeah, that's about right.Specifications say 3 hours but that's probably optimistic.They're all about the same, and designed to be plugged in most of the time.

hapukanz, Jan 16, 11:00pm
3 hours!mmmm that seems a little LOW lol

My phone which is in fact a PDA runs for 3 days on battery power and that connects to wifi, GPRS, and cellhpone coverage.

I have emailed TOMTOM to see what they say.


pandai, Jan 16, 11:03pm
Well, they're not made for walking about with.

If it really matters (saw your other thread), run a dedicated power supply and hide the wire between the pillar and headlining.

brokebloke1, Jan 16, 11:17pm
yes 2 hrs seems about right i have one when im in my truck, I cant use it in cigg lighter as im 24v so its only on battery, when im in my commodore its always pluged into cigg lighter

audi_s_ate, Jan 16, 11:26pm
Try and run a gps app on your phone and let us know how long it lasts. GPS it seems uses signifacantly more battery life. My iphone running tomtom would be lucky to last 2 1/2 hrs.

wron, Jan 17, 1:03am
I've got a go live 1000 (latest model) and the website says 2 hours!

footplate1, Jan 17, 1:29am
I find the battery life poor, if not plugged in after a few days.

therafter1, Jan 1, 12:41am
They can run on both 12v and 24v . it is noted on the plug.