Looking at the Toyota Opa & can't come to a conclusion on which would be more fuel efficient, the 4 speed 1.8 litre version or the 6 speed 2.0 litre version!
Smaller motor should probably mean better fuel economy but being a small car the 2.0 litre won't be pushed at all plus having the 6 speed means lower rev's & CVT (which I believe they are!) is usually very fuel efficient.
CVT doesn't scare me - 60,000 km flush & refill should keep it going fine.
Main use for the wife & 2 kids, pram in boot running around PLUS she often has a 2nd adult with here. So more running around than long open road trips etc.
Cheers Andy
Jul 7, 5:42am
Interestingly rightcar shows 5.5 stars for both models!
Jul 7, 3:25pm
In my opinion you are better off with the 1.8. The 2.0l isn't a badmotor but the 1.5 vvti enging is a real cracker.
Jul 7, 7:40pm
I would suggest for your purpose and for the best in low running costs (and a MUCH better car) you ditch the Opa idea and get a VW Touran. With a bit of patience you can get one for the same money and the 6 Speed DSG will give you the best of both worlds, reliability, low maintenance AND economy. The DSG has no torque converter to sap away your power/economy, not CVT belt needing extra maintenance and all the economy of a 6 speed manual with all the ease of use of an auto. The rest of the car is just miles ahead accross the board as well, whether you are looking at driving experience, features, safety etc its all just much better.
Even compared to other brands brand new vehicles its usually as good or better, and in NZ its way under priced.
Jul 8, 2:12am
I believe that Coca Cola have a fleet of VWs with the DSG transmission.
Jul 8, 3:00am
The Touran appears to be twice the price of the Opa :(
An Opa can be had for $6999-$8499 with under 80000 kms
Jul 8, 3:10am
And over half the fleet had warranty clams on that DSG box
Jul 8, 5:48pm
My understanding is that they had a replacement trans on hand at all times to cope with the continual failures!But for god's sake don't tell Jazz that!
Jul 8, 6:11pm
Different DSG to the one in the one being recommended here. The wet clutch version here is about as reliable as transmissions get, as in just as reliable as Toyota's state of the ark 4 Speed unit of which the only thing it has going for it is its reliability.
Jul 8, 7:56pm
thejazzpianoma wrote:
Different DSG to the one in the one being recommended here.
Oh yes, so you are familiar with which modelCoca cola runs!Are you saying that one VW DSG is a POS but the older Touran trans is better!
Jul 8, 9:47pm
That's right. So if people want to buy a VW with a DSG (dog shit transmission), then so be it. I'll just let them hang themselves and enjoy their exciting European motoring. And I'll stick to my simple, reliable, proven Toyotas and Hondas that do the job just fine.
Jul 9, 12:02am
Amen, someone just posted a EURO link with Jappas at the very top and Euros all at the bottom in terms of reliability! I think you're losing steam here Jazz.
Jul 9, 6:22pm
I think the 1.8L will be the go.interested in opinions on how the 1.8 is on gas. $100 to fill & 500 km's of running around!
Cheers Andy
Jul 9, 6:49pm
What sort of "running around" are you doing city/open road or mixed!
With the Auto and its lack of gears they are not bad on the open road and gentle mixed running, if you are doing stop/start through the city though the torque converter has to do all the work and they are quite thirsty for a small car with that much output.
It will cost you about $130 to fill the tank from empty and you will get 550Km of city running or 760KM of mixed.
Such a shame this thread is full of boof head monkeys without a clue. You really don't know how much car you are missing out on by getting the Toyota over the VW. The reliability nonsense is just that, nonsense by people who have never owned one.
BTW, fuel consumption from the VW is about the same, but thats quite good when you consider it has better performance and carry's around a whole raft of extra safety equipment.
Jul 9, 7:22pm
Given that the OP's actual question was which model Toyota to buy, it's a shame that some boof-head know-nothings crop up and hijack the thread by confusing the OP by blathering on about completely different cars. To answer the question, The 2.0 is probably a better bet - slightly torquier, less stress all round.
Jul 9, 7:53pm
I have two VW's in pieces that I have been stupid enough to trade in on a reliable Toyota. I will no longer trade them in. The 'bulk seller' you are referring to has been removed from trademe for inaccurate information on their auctions. This is very common knowledge in the car industry. Or at least it is to those that actually bother to belong to industry groups. The Opa according to Toyota ( who Jazz suspects is a group of ignorants and can't understand how they are one of the world's most respected companies) uses 6.7 litres per 100 km (1.8 litre engine ) and 5.6 litres per 100 km for it's CVT Model. I know nothing about the car industry according to Jazz, despite having sold over 4000 cars and had various positions inindustry organisations. The man wanted to know about Opas give him that respect. I don't enter these boards very often and can see why people don't bother when nearly every question is hijacked by Jazz.
Jul 9, 9:12pm
Jazz, I would be interested to hear your thoughts on the valve bodys in these transmissions. I often read a few posts in motoring but hardly ever post myself. I have noticed in the past the valve body issue has been brought up with regards to the dsg trans' in the A3, Golf and Touran and this is about the time you leave the thread or conveniently avoid the issue. You seam reasonably knowledgeable on these vehicles so I am assuming you know of the problems they have. Also I think you will find the reason so many Tourans have been selling so cheap is the mentioned trader who was selling them was probably the only NZ importer who was game enough to import one. I believe most of the Tourans he sold had F@#%ed transmissions too!
Jul 9, 9:27pm
Off topic.Jazz, you often make some good points, but your absolute one-eyed perspective, and your incessant insulting of anyone who disagrees with your particular view, is just too much.You need to stick with the programme, and temper your posts with a respect for others' views, and less bagging of any product that you don't personally hold as the holy grail.If you did so, you would gain more respect, and less criticism.
Jul 10, 3:23pm
Hey Jazz-sorry dude I agree with pete--lately you have been very guilty of what you accuse others of. I'll rephrase for you specific to this thread so you candraw your own conclusions. An alternative to your 3 long replies which actually don't answer the OP's question would be. " The 1800 has a better engine so will be more economical to own.BUT I'm more than happy to recomend an even better alternative if you are interested."then see how the OP responds.
Jul 10, 4:17pm
Jazz. Hand. Off it. Now!
Jul 10, 11:36pm
Wife will take the kids to kindy twice a week, 14km round trip to in laws few times a week, general running around to supermarket etc. occasional trips from Porirua to Wellington or Hutt Valley every few weeks.
Cheers Andy
Jul 12, 3:57am
Hmmmm.I just realized the 2.0L is a D4 motor, not a fan of direct injection motors, saw lots of issue's with the mitsi GDi motors.
Looks like 1.8L VVTi is the go.tried, proven motor.
Cheers Andy
Nov 22, 3:01am
Got a 2000 Opa 1.8 Litre done 60,000 km's, wrapped so far after 6 odd weeks :-)
Highly recommend!
Cheers Andy
Nov 22, 4:24am
Jazz did another runner as usual. Very typical of him actually. Let's see if he comes back on and answers the questions.
Nov 22, 12:01pm
And you'll need to get a 2nd mortgage when the Euro crap breaks down.
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