Honda won't start .

trader_84, Nov 22, 12:37pm
My son tried to start his 1990 Honda Accord with a different honda key (dick) and has f**ked his car. It started but the starter motor stayed engaged. He freaked and when he couldn't turn the key off, pulled the battery cables off (still kept running) and then pulled 2 HT leads off. The engine then stopped. He refitted the leads and cables and using the correct key tried to start the vehicle. It wouldn't start. He got me (and I know nothing about petrol powered Jappa's with ECU's) and I pulled a plug and checked for spark with him turning it over. No spark. Its injected and I don't know how to check to see if petrol is being squirted (injected!) into the engine but i can smell gasoline and know the tank gauge says there is petrol in the tank. I have checked all fuses (they are ok) and can hear the fuel pump working and a relay click, a split second after turning the key on. What is the next step/check to carry out on this piece of turd please! I am informed the engine is an F20A. Ta.

mm12345, Nov 22, 1:46pm
If there's no spark, then you need to sort that out before you worry about fuel system - which is probably okay.I don't know the engine, but possibly (internal!) coil in the distributor stuffed when engine was still turning over with the 2 plug HT leads pulled.

hamhonda, Apr 1, 6:08am
Yep, most likely the coil or the ignitor (both inside the dissy). Coil is fairly easy to change in that model