Driving on gravel

gadgetman, Nov 23, 3:31am
Did you know that when approaching another vehicle it is better to slow down and drive closer rather than drive close to the ditch!
The stones ricocheting from the wheels would hit higher if the vehicles pass each other 2 metres away than 50 cm away. Going slow would also help.
I often see the oncoming vehicle going closer to the ditch and I end up driving closer to them to avoid stones hitting my van windows.
Another tip is to drive certain speed to avoid corrugations. If you go too slow then you catch the bottoms and have a rough ride.

richard198, Nov 23, 3:36am
Did you know that if you aim for the other driver, they tend to lose their nerve and end up in the ditch rather than you!

pollymay, Nov 23, 3:40am
Helps if you go past them sideways making sure to spin the wheels to direct the stones away from them.

gadgetman, Nov 23, 3:43am
I aim about 50 cm away from their side. Once I got a bit closer on narrow country road and the other driver used horn. I stopped and had a chat with him explaining this law of physics which he luckily understood. Basic ballistic physics. To avoid rocks hitting your car you need to be either very close or more than 10 metres away.
I was told this driving tip myself by my truck driving big brother.

gadgetman, Nov 23, 3:47am
That is what some young guys thought afew years ago in Canterbury. They passed me and sprayed gravel into my windscreen causing a crack. I caught with them a kilometer lateas they were stopped for something. Then I pointed at the crack and told they did that.

kevymtnz, Nov 23, 3:53am
when passing slow to a reasonable speed as u pass each other dont brake or accelerate
even on a tarseal when changing lanes to become in front of someone else is not to continue to accelerate due to loose stones that lay between the lanes mainly for rearwheel drives

crzyhrse, Nov 23, 3:56am
Buy some punctuation and capital letters.

pollymay, Nov 23, 3:59am

richard198, Nov 23, 4:02am
Why are you going so slow!

mrfxit, Nov 23, 4:05am
LMFAO at a BR this afternoon that puttered out.
Got out to fix it & another mate arrived to help & when they got the pos going again, he spun the wheels pretty good JUST as his mate did a U turn right behind him **on loose gravel**.
Nearly fell over laughing so hard, watching all the gravel getting sprayed at the mates car

surf_quiksilver, Nov 23, 4:11am
You showed them!

dr.doolittle, Nov 23, 1:30pm
"And that's all I can remember".

gadgetman, Nov 23, 5:35pm
There was no further drama, major road rage but just a heated exchange on my part. Those guys were just young and inexperienced, I got the crack fixed at Smith & Smith autoglass later.

kamitchell, Nov 23, 5:42pm
I did lots of gravel rd driving in aussie and was common sense (and a requirement on mining leases) to slow right down passing other vehicles and people so as not to kick up stones and dust.

drog, Nov 23, 6:04pm
There is an obvious flaw in this technique.

bwg11, Nov 23, 6:55pm
Isn't it obvious. If you move over to the left early, the other driver will stay in their shingle tracks and not flick stones at your car if they don't slow down.

rob_man, Nov 23, 6:56pm
I always find the less time spent inside the danger zone the better, it's hard to hit a fast moving target.
Go as fast as you can past the other vehicle.

nightboss, Nov 23, 7:15pm
I thought there was a lot of morons posting on "Opinion and Politics" so I changed to "motoring" and found this. Going back to "O & P", at least the morons there can't play the banjo.

mm12345, Nov 23, 7:24pm
You're probably right.From what I've seen of that forum, it'd be damned hard to play the banjo when you're trying to keep a finger in each ear, hand over each eye, and lips on your favoured leader's backside.A kick drum's the right instrument - very appropriate really.

richard198, Nov 23, 10:21pm
It takes a lot longer to get up north.the slow way.

rob_man, Apr 5, 2:12am
Shame you stumbled onto one of the tongue in cheek threads without having the wit to recognise it as such, try to remain focused on what you need to do on Saturday. You wouldn't want to forget to vote Labour now would you.