Honda predule1999 justs stops

messines1, Nov 24, 1:27am
Ideas please!
Normally about 2 mins into driving, it just dies,dash lights off. Stop and put it into park and it goes again, no probs, might do it 2-3 times in a row, but only about once every 2-3 weeks (4 times total). mechanic says too hard to pinpoint until it won't start, but I,m worried it will happen on an intersection

franc123, Nov 24, 1:32am
If it dies and no lights are coming on you would have to suspect a power supply problem, maybe even a dodgy battery terminal or ground connection somewhere.I seem to recall the ignition switches themselves being dodgy on some Hondas of that era, I know Odysseys were bad for that problem.

gadgit3, Nov 24, 1:37am
Off the top of my head the honda predule has a cam angle sensor issue (inside dizzy) but dosn't casue no dash lights and also a fuel pump relay dry solder joint fault but also dosn't cause all the power to drop out. I would be looking at the Alt or earth fault.

messines1, Nov 24, 1:54am
got new battery in August, I think mate said one of the terminals was suss, mmight check that out, but would it cause such random stopping!Mechanic also mentioned ignition

gadgit3, Nov 24, 2:03am
Intermittent faults are a tech's worst nightmare as no customer wants to pay for diagnostic time. But I would take it to a Honda dealer as if the fault is common they will have come across it and fix it alot faster then some random workshop. They will also have all the right gear and even thought the charge out rate is higher you will find the time taken to repair the fault is lower. food for thought.

jsbike, Nov 24, 2:16am
my 97 prelude did this, it was a faulty key switch, mine used to turn off while I was driving, if i flicked the key with my finger it would spring back into life

messines1, Nov 24, 2:30am
I'll try that - easier than pulling over for sure

jsbike, Nov 24, 3:22am
just turn the key a little with very very little force, enough to move it a little but not enough to engage the starter motor

nathan84, Nov 25, 12:30am
main relays under dash blue i think give trouble to

icemans1, Nov 25, 12:32am
rubber band has snapped

messines1, Nov 26, 7:29pm
oh well the jiggling didn't work, but I think I'll take these ideas to the mechanic

t0ddles, Apr 11, 1:57pm
I had a 97 prelude, and they had a recall on the ignition. Honda North Shore did something when I called in for a new key. Go take it to the dealership to see if the recall service has been done.