i just brought a motorbike from a wrecker this mourning and i did a carjam search and found its of interest to the cops, i rung the cop staition but they didnt want to know about it so what do i do now, i would really like to clear the title so i can get it revinned. the wreckers are still in posesion of it,so am i better to walk away or try to clear it.
Nov 24, 4:59am
Walk away and leave it in their possession until it's cleared by them as if they are informed that they are handling stolen goods then the problem is all theirs .right. I'd be demanding my money back if I were you & if they don't jib then you could inform them of the fact it's stolen and they might be willing to then refund you.
Nov 24, 5:07am
yea, i do want it and told the wreckers its stolen so they are trying to sort which is good of them, i havnt payed yet till they sort out, i was dissapointed by the cop station as they didnt even take any details of it. who do i go to thats higher up the rank!the wrecker still had the person they got it off contact details so am waiting to here back
Nov 24, 12:04pm
Go to the media. Let them know that the Police were not interested, I bet they then become interested. Pretty poor really.
Nov 24, 12:37pm
Your leaving out some info. Why did the police tell you they were not interested!. They would have given you a reason. what was that reason.
Nov 24, 12:54pm
Go to the police in person, tell them you are planning to revinn it and require the form from them saying it is of no interest to them. Once it gets to the stage that things are in writing, i'm sure they will be forced to act properly. You have no worries as you haven't paid and are not in possession of it.
Nov 24, 1:33pm
Flick off an email to your local MP while you are on the go too. We need to get the word out so the Police get fixed before things get any worse.
What the media would likley love is if you could track down the previous owner who had it stolen (not sure how easy that is), I am sure they would be pleased to say theirbit about the Police not even trying.
Nov 24, 1:56pm
Ken. Just a bit of a heads up for you. Bike wreckers often source their wrecks from the same place you and I have access to. First there is the damaged vehicle auctions,There are Insurance company tender yards and there are towing yards that tender towed vehicles once they havent been picked up for long enough. Often these vehicles have indeed been stolen. They have then been recovered returned to the insurance company. Quite often the stolen flag just hasn't been lifted by the police. Before anyone says its all the police to blamedo remember that to lift the flag someone actually has to tell them the item has been recovered. I'm NOT in any way saying that in this case the bike is legit
Nov 24, 1:58pm
police are slack. constables.ask for a snr constable ask his nametell him of your disappointment tell him you have documented the calls as if this gets to media you want to be sure of the facts, they will move
Nov 24, 2:19pm
spot on kaz.poster 1 is full of hot air. Cops don't just ignore something that is stolen for no reason. And especially something stolen in the hands of the wreckers. They would be down there in a heartbeat.And yep, the title is misleading. O/P trying to exaggeratea story when there is probably a very simple reason. I'm betting the cops have crossed it off their stolen list as it has been stolen, recovered, auctioned and bought by the wreckers.
Nov 24, 3:44pm
hi, no i rung cops told them about a bike i was buying and told them it was of interest to them as i did a carjam report, they just said leave it and they didnt even ask for rego number or anything, when i asked if they could check it they said it couldnt be discussed with me, ill go to them in person and fill in the form but i might just leave it, sorry if first post was abit missleading just mad because i had already paid for the shipping as its not local.
Nov 24, 5:01pm
Just because it's "of interest" doesn't mean it's stolen.
Nov 24, 5:05pm
im going to go find out soon
Nov 24, 5:10pm
More good work from the clowns in blue.
Nov 24, 6:33pm
Leave it to seller to get clear titleasprev.,saidcould have been stolen & recoveredbutno 1 told plodsso still on their list .
Nov 24, 6:58pm
This raises an issue I have had for years re insurance companies and car yards. If they pay out for a unrepairable or stolen vehicle or trade in a vehicle, they should become the legal owner. If you get money for the vehicle by them they are the full legal owner and title should transfer to them. Anything else is dishonest.
Nov 24, 7:08pm
Its gets stolen. The owner gets paid out. The insurance company now own it. They de register it. They sell it at auction to recover money. Wrecker buys it. You buy it from the wrecker. No problem. You re-vin it and you are on the road. Whats the problem!
Nov 24, 7:14pm
got a different cop today turns out it was stolen jan last year and has never been recovered so they are going to check it out and took all the details, so at least i got a result this time.
Nov 24, 7:16pm
While this particular case may not have turned out to be quite as explained the cops regularly "leave" things that are stolen.
I contacted them about $3000 worth of my stolen goods which I had found in a pawn shopwhich was located directly opposite a Police station.
I gave them a folder with all the details of who stole it, photo's, references, serial numbers a break down of the offenders recent activities, names and details of other Police who were supposedly working on the file. everything they could possibly need.
They had a whole week to pick up the goods (which were for sale on trademe)
On the night before the week was up my parents (they couldn't even find my phone number which was given to them several times so they took a guess from the phone book) got a call at nearly midnight to say that "they did not have the resources to recover the goods".
Its not just me this has happened to, we had a poster on here a few weeks ago that found his stolen car and they would not go and retrieve it for him. He had to beg and grovel to a cop that was on radar patrol on the way home to get him to help and it sounded like even that took a big effort to get any action.
My parents were ripped off by another guy who was driving around in a stolen car that he had driven off a car dealers lot a whole year previously. He was staying every night in a bed and breakfast and leaving without paying. Again, no action from the cops despite dozens and dozens of calls from various bed and breakfast owners.
My mother managed to track him down in a matter of hours. but do you think the Cops would respond. No she had to call 4 different Police stations before anyone would help even though she knew exactly where the offender was going to be and at what time.
Thats a little bit of why I am trying so hard to get some action happening on sorting the Police out. They are beyond hopeless.
Nov 24, 7:21pm
Thats the way, some cops are great but you have to find the good ones.
The sad thing is the good cops get most of their excellent work undone by the bad ones. In my case mentioned above the original Police officer dealing with this thief/fraudster was working very hard to catch him. (he was stealing thousands of dollars worth of goods a day and had been for months). What happened though was every time he turned up in another town his good work was undone because the local station would not respond and pick him up. I know this because I had a network of shops ringing me and keeping him busy until Police would arrive. I would ring the Cops for them and give all the details, yet I still could not get any action. multiple times this happened.
Nov 24, 11:30pm
I must ask. Why diddn't YOU go into the pawn shop with the details of your stolen goods. There is a form that the pawn shop has to have available that you fill out stating that the goods are yours,were stolen,what serial numbers the goods have etc. The goods then have to be handed over to the police.You then walk over the road to the police station ask for an officer and walk back over the road for the goods to be handed over to the police. This must be done along with the police being given the pawn records for the goods. Yes you now have to wait a couple of months whilst the cops "pursue leads" but you know whewre the goods are and they wont be stolen. You then get the goods back. This is not hypothetical. This is unfortunately recent personal experience.
Nov 24, 11:34pm
Ahh now AGAIN thats totally different from what you implied in the OP NO the cops won't discuss any detail of alegedly stolen goods over the phone in the same way as an LTSA agent won't discuss details of a car registration without filling in the form -actually even that isn't enough nowadays
Nov 24, 11:37pm
The police seem to forget that they are publicly funded and are therefore servants of the government much like a museum or council. What would people do if the council said "oh no, we're not interested in what you have to say in regards to tax/rates/how we serve you" or the museum said "oh no,we aren't open today because we don't feel like it". People sure wouldn't put up with that kind of crap from them, so why do we take it from the police! They need a damn good kick up the backside!
Nov 25, 12:06am
I imported a car on the form it could be signed by policeman or a jpI went into police station policeman said he had never seen a for like that and was not comfortable with signing it, there was a woman in civvies she said she had not seen this form either, Neither of them were working just sitting the policeman said he would not sign.and for me to go to court and find a jp.I said thanks for nothing you lazy bastard.he did seem a little surprised by my response
Nov 25, 12:16am
In fact. the cops do ignore bikes that are stolen, I bought a lapsed rego cbr900rr off tm in parts with the intention of wrecking it out, my mate begged to buy it off me so sold it to him, he did a carjam search before buying and there was no problem, however when he rebuilt it and went to put on the road he got a police report, it was bought from a shop with no money everpaid so $6700 still owing, it was reported stolen buy the shop owner, ,the cops didn't want to know about it, and suggested talking to insurance company,so my mate contacted the insurance company they told him to deal with the shop of purchase, so he did. told the owner the situation, owner originally wanted to repocess the bike but mate would not tell him where it was, so finally shop owner agreed that he would never of ever seen it if I had wrecked it out, so mate paid the shop owner $500 to get the stolen title lifted, so worked out ok in the end.
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