Jump starting a stationary motor

rover79, Jan 19, 4:47pm
I need to jump start a waterblaster, I only have a Toyota Allex here at the moment, have older heavy duty jumper leads, will it be ok! Have heard you can stuff the comp systems in them.

desmodave, Jan 19, 4:52pm
Take the battery out of the car if your sceard.

rover79, Jan 19, 5:17pm
Appreciate the idea but I don't want to do that because that could lock up the radio.

ratbag5, Jan 19, 5:40pm
when earthing the jumper cables on the car don't put the negative lead on the battery, put it to the body of the car so if anything is to happen it will only blow a fuse not the computer

jsbike, Jan 19, 5:49pm
Wrong. There is no difference in putting the jumper lead on the car body or onto the battery neg lead.

desmodave, Jan 19, 6:18pm

jono2912, Jan 19, 7:09pm
You are wrong, actually.

jsbike, Jan 19, 7:11pm
how so! the neg lead of the battery goes to the body, so it will make no diff if the jump lead is on the body or battery. There is no fuseable link on the cable between the neg of the battery and the body.

jono2912, Jan 19, 7:13pm
You are correct, it will work. But it's considered bad practice now days. (somewhat)

planespotterhvn, Jan 19, 7:19pm
you just don't want the final connection to spark right at the battery where there is a good chance there is a perfect mix of hyrogen and oxygen emitting from the vent caps.

m16d, Jan 19, 8:57pm
Just do it.I jump start my big waterblaster off the ute battery all the time.

elect70, Jan 19, 9:04pm
yes thats what we are told to do but todays batteries are sealed .

bigfatmat1, Jan 19, 10:41pm
yeah only stupid car makers like Fiat and Ford put fuses on the negative main cable

planespotterhvn, Jan 20, 2:46am
But when you think about it the good battery in the donor car has just been gassing on the trip, the flat battery in the waterblaster is not gonna gas for some time. Howerver it is best practice to connect the positives first, then the negative on the donor car battery and the final connection (which is the one that will spark) to the receiving car/waterblaster, away from the battery, clipping onto a clean lug or bolt on the engine block or body work.

richms, Jan 20, 3:40am
Attaching the negative to a random part of the car can result in the starting currents taking undesired paths thru other signal wires causing problems. Also there isnt typically any access to any other areas in modern cars that are not either painted or the block which is covered with a giant plastic cover making access to any metal impossible.

jono2912, Jan 20, 3:42am
That's the way I'm trained - that's the way I do it.

rover79, Jan 20, 3:50am
Thanks for the comments guys.
As for the radio, I dont know if it needs a security code to reactivate, and if it does I don't have it. hence the reluctance to disconnect

jsbike, Jan 20, 4:43am
only if the undesired path offers less resistance than the earth lead from the body to the neg battery post. Id never put a jump lead on a body if i could avoid it though. my orig reply was to the guy saying putting the lead on ther body was the way to do it.

stevo2, Jan 20, 11:27am
Cheers Stevo

afer_daily, Jan 20, 11:33am
you can always use a proper set of jumper leads / with a anti spike unit in the leads!

planespotterhvn, Jan 21, 10:06pm
I still say that the donor car will have a larger quantity of explosive gases eminating from the battery as it is fully charged and has been floating across the alternator DC Battery bus, receiving a charge current on the journey the car has just done to arrive on site.

The dead battery is not charged and until the voltage gets to a certain point will not begin to bubble hydrogen and oxygen into the case interior and out of the cap vents, for some time. Therfore I agree with earlier posters that it is safer to connect and disconnect the final negative connection at the dead car. Preferably away from the battery if possible.

If the jumper leads are a bit feeble you can run the donor car engine so that the donor alternator charges the dead battery for a while to assist the jumper leads BUT I like to jump start with the donor car engine OFF when the dead car is cranked over, as i have seen a few donor generators damaged by trying to supply starter current.

bigfatmat1, Jan 17, 11:01am
Just jump start the thing put ya leads on however ya feel like it just don't mix up polarity. I would ignore all the battery gas resistance dc battery bus crap.