My son has a Johnson 25 outboard with steering wheel and remote.When in gear the throttle opens to max.When in neutral the throttle opens minimal.Hence can't give full throttle to start.Any solutions!
Jan 26, 6:41pm
Thats normal
Jan 26, 6:47pm
Normal!He can't get full throttle to start it from the remote.
Jan 26, 6:49pm
You shouldn't be able to get full throttle in netral. Thats how it is from factory. If it wont start use the choke and turn the idle up. If it requires full throttle to start there is a problem in the engine and best it's fixed before going to sea.
Jan 26, 7:01pm
Very normal
Jan 26, 7:03pm
In most cases with the old jonnies the carb gets a bit blocked up in the main jet and this makes for hard starting. Easy to fix if you know what ya looking at tho. Fixed a few now for a mate and when they are running right they should start first or second pull at idle.
Jan 26, 7:05pm
Thanks guys for your help.
Jan 26, 7:07pm
Yep purposely made that way socant drop it in gear at anything over idle speed,the other lever is the advance /retardfor ignition to make starting easier .
Jan 26, 8:57pm
Shouldnt try full throttle on start up anyway. the timing plates are set that way until the engine is started and running plus.over revving a freeload engine will kill it in short time. those older johnny,s had a pre prime valve. ( facing the engine to pullstart rope. bottom left is the plunger valve that pulls out. It holds small excess fuel to pre prime the engine prior to start up. often when there are worn the leak air. and fuel, giving a flooding affect 'making it hard to start.kev and Ians marine sell them newabout $150, easy wayto solve problems is new plug,s. leads( cheap as frm supercheap.) can of johnson /evirude decarb ) aprox $17 frm marine/boating shop. put the motor in drum of water/ or at boat ramp. startyour motor.with the leg down submerged.engage into gear once started. open throttle to about 1/4--1/3rd throttle. spray the decarb into the carburator.when the engine dies. leave it for bout 1-2hours. then restart,( on flush muff,s of in drum is fine.) watch all the crap and carboncome out. the decarb will go thru the craby, reed valves and clean the piston/rings. had few Johhny 25,sgave them the same treatment ' ran like freight trains every time. hope this helps.
Jan 26, 9:02pm
Under flywheel there should be a black cable coming out. Disconnect this. It's the in gear safety lock-out. He should now be able to start at full throttle and in gear! Can he swim!
Jan 26, 9:07pm
Whooo theres the best bad advice ever
Jan 26, 10:23pm
Thanks to those of you who took me seriously.My son has sorted it out.
Jan 26, 11:43pm
Best of luck
Jan 27, 2:56am
tell him to do the water pump also and the o ring at the top of the exhaust.theres a mother of a job
Nov 6, 7:40pm
Yes it must idle in neutral so when you put it in gear you don't smash the gearbox as they don't have a clutch
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